Pino JavaScript with Example Codes and Methods

In this article, you are going to learn how to utilize the Pino JavaScript, exploring example codes and methods to used its capabilities effectively.

In web development, powerful and dynamic logging is essential for tracking errors, debugging, and monitoring application performance.

One of the tools that stands out in this domain is Pino JavaScript. Pino is a lightning-fast, low-overhead logger for Node.js applications that provides advanced features and flexibility.

What is Pino JavaScript?

Pino JavaScript is a logger created specially for Node.js applications. It’s designed to be extremely fast and effective, making it an excellent choice for high-throughput applications.

Pino’s architecture assures minimal impact on application performance, enabling developers to log extensively without worrying about blockage.

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Getting Started with Pino

To begin using Pino JavaScript in your projects, follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: Installation

Start with installing Pino using npm:

npm install pino

Step 2: Basic Logging

Import Pino in your code and start logging with satisfaction:

const pinoValue = require('pino')();'Logging with Pino is a breeze!');

Step 3: Logging Levels

Pino offers multiple logging levels such as trace, debug, info, warn, and error. Use them to categorize and filter log messages based on their importance.

Using Pino’s Features

Pino JavaScript provides plenty of features that can improve your logging experience:

Structured Logging

Pino inspires structured logging, allowing you to log JSON objects rather of plain text messages.

This makes it easier to search, analyze, and visualize logs using tools like Elasticsearch and Kibana.

For example:{ user: 'Jude Cruz', action: 'login' }, 'User logged in');

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Customizing Log Formats

You can customize log formats to match your preferences. Pino supports various output formats, including JSON, pretty-printing, and more.

Here’s an example code:

const pino = require('pino')({
  prettyPrint: true,
  levelFirst: true

Redaction for Sensitive Data

Pino allows modification of sensitive information from logs, assuring that sensitive data doesn’t get exposed.

Advanced Techniques for Pino JavaScript

Let’s explore some advanced techniques for Pino JavaScript:

Logging to Different Destinations

Pino can log to different destinations, including files and streams, allowing you to centralize your logs effectively.

const fs = require('fs');
const pino = require('pino')({
  level: 'info'
}, fs.createWriteStream('app.log'));

Adding Custom Log Streams

You can even add custom log streams, allowing you to duplicate logs to distinct outputs for backup or analysis.

const pino = require('pino')();

const customStreamSample = {
  write: (msg) => {
    // send log to a custom destination



Can I use Pino with non-Node.js environments?

Pino is optimized for Node.js and may not work smoothly in other environments.

Is Pino suitable for large-scale applications?

Precisely! Pino’s low overhead makes it an excellent choice for high-throughput applications.

Can I integrate Pino with my existing logging solution?

Yes, Pino is functional and can be integrated with other logging tools.

Does Pino support log rotation?

Pino itself doesn’t handle log rotation, but you can use external tools for this purpose.


In Node.js development, efficient logging is an foundation of creating powerful applications. Pino JavaScript, with its advanced features and optimized performance, takes logging to the next level.

By following the example codes and methods in this article, which is provided you with a solid foundation to integrate Pino into your projects smoothly.

Elevate your logging capabilities with Pino and unlock a new realm of application monitoring and debugging.

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