Mastering How To Use JavaScript fromCharCode

JavaScript, which is a used and versatile programming language provides a tool called fromCharCode that makes it easier to create strings using sequences of Unicode character code values.

This tool is extremely useful when you need to construct strings by combining characters defined by their Unicode code points.

In this article, we will explore how fromCharCode works go over its syntax and parameters, and provide examples of how it can be used.

Additionally, we will introduce a method using template literals that can achieve results.

By the end of this article, you will have an understanding of how to utilize fromCharCode in your JavaScript projects.

What is JavaScript fromCharCode?

In JavaScript, the fromCharCode method is a function that is used to create a string from a sequence of Unicode character code values.

It takes one or more numerical arguments representing Unicode code points and returns a string composed of the characters corresponding to those code points.


String.fromCharCode(codePoint1 [, codePoint2 [, ...]])


  • codePoint1, codePoint2, …: One or more numeric values representing Unicode code points. These code points are used to create the characters for the resulting string.

You can pass any number of codePoint arguments to the method, and it will return a string containing the characters corresponding to those Unicode code points.

Example usage:

const charCode1 = 75; 
const charCode2 = 76;

const result = String.fromCharCode(charCode1, charCode2);

console.log(result); // Outputs: KL

In the example above, the String.fromCharCode() method takes two Unicode code points (75 and 76) as arguments and returns a string containing the characters ‘K’ and ‘L’, which are created from those code points.

How to use fromCharCode?

To use the String.fromCharCode() method in JavaScript, follow these steps:

  • Decide on the Unicode code points you want to convert into characters.
  • Call the String.fromCharCode() method and pass the desired Unicode code points as arguments.
  • Capture the returned string in a variable if you want to use it later.

Here’s a step-by-step example:

// Step 1: Decide on Unicode code points
const charCode1 = 72; // Unicode code point for 'H'
const charCode2 = 101; // Unicode code point for 'e'
const charCode3 = 108; // Unicode code point for 'l'
const charCode4 = 108; // Unicode code point for 'l'
const charCode5 = 111; // Unicode code point for 'o'

// Step 2: Call String.fromCharCode() and pass code points as arguments
const greeting = String.fromCharCode(charCode1, charCode2, charCode3, charCode4, charCode5);

// Step 3: Capture the resulting string and use it
console.log(greeting); // Outputs: Hello

In the example above, we decided on the Unicode code points for the characters ‘H’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, and ‘o’.

We then used String.fromCharCode() to create a string containing those characters and stored it in the greeting variable. Finally, we logged the greeting variable to the console, which outputs the string “Hello”.

You can adjust the Unicode code points and the number of arguments based on your requirements to create different strings using this method.

What is the alternative to fromCharCode?

A different way to achieve the same result as the String.fromCharCode() function in modern JavaScript is by utilizing template literals alongside Unicode escape sequences.

This approach allows you to directly include Unicode characters using the \u escape sequence followed by the hexadecimal representation of the Unicode code point.

Here’s how you can achieve the same result using template literals:

const charCode1 = 72; // Unicode code point for 'H'
const charCode2 = 101; // Unicode code point for 'e'
const charCode3 = 108; // Unicode code point for 'l'
const charCode4 = 108; // Unicode code point for 'l'
const charCode5 = 111; // Unicode code point for 'o'

const greeting = `${String.fromCharCode(charCode1)}${String.fromCharCode(charCode2)}${String.fromCharCode(charCode3)}${String.fromCharCode(charCode4)}${String.fromCharCode(charCode5)}`;

console.log(greeting); // Outputs: Hello

In this example, we use template literals to interpolate the characters directly using String.fromCharCode() within the ${} placeholders.

Using template literals with Unicode escape sequences provides a more readable and expressive way to create strings with specific characters based on their Unicode code points.

This approach is particularly useful when you need to create strings with a combination of characters and variables.

I think we already covered everything we need to know about this article trying to convey.

Nevertheless, here are other functions you can learn to enhance your JavaScript skills.


In conclusion, the JavaScript fromCharCode method stands as a cornerstone for crafting strings based on Unicode character code points.

By effortlessly converting numeric values into coherent strings, this method empowers developers to manipulate characters with precision and ease.

Whether you’re constructing greetings, assembling data, or any other string-based task, fromCharCode offers a robust solution.

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