Javascript Update Object In Array | Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will look at different methods and recommended practices for updating objects in JavaScript arrays.

We’ve got you covered, whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to improve your skills or a beginner eager to learn the basics.

As a quick overview, Javascript is a powerful programming language used extensively in web development.

One of its fundamental structures is the array, which allows us to store multiple values in a single variable.

Moreover, it often contains objcets thus as applications grow in complexity the need to update objects in an array increases.

Hence, before we jump into various methods of updating objects in an array, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what is objects and arrays.

Let’s get started!

What is Array in Javascript?

An array in JavaScript is a data structure that can hold multiple values in a single variable.

Each value within the array is called an element, and each element has an index that determines its position in the array.

Moreover, arrays are denoted by square brackets ([]) in JavaScript.

What is Object JavaScript?

Meanwhile, Objects in JavaScript are composite data types that allow us to store key-value pairs.

They are enclosed within curly braces ({}) and consist of properties and their corresponding values.

Furthermore, objects provide a flexible way to represent complex data structures.

How to Update Object in an Array? Techniques and Example

Now that we are familiar with the array and objects, let’s explore different techniques on how is this done.

1. Accessing Objects within Arrays

The first step in updating array objects is to access them. To access the exact item we wish to edit, we utilize the index of the array element.

Here is the snippet code, on how it works:

const shoes = [
  { name: 'vans', color: 'blue' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'black' },
  { name: 'addidas', color: 'white' },

// Accessing the second object in the array
const nike = shoes[1];


 {name: "nike", color: "black"}

2. Modifying Object Properties

Once we’ve found the item we want, we can change its characteristics with dot notation or square bracket notation.

Here is the example code:

const shoes = [
  { name: 'vans', color: 'blue' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'black' },
  { name: 'addidas', color: 'green' },

// Updating the color of the second object
shoes[1].color = 'red';


{name: "nike", color: "red"}

3. Replacing Entire Objects

In rare circumstances, you may need to replace a whole array object with a new one. Simply allocate a new object to the desired index to accomplish this.

Examine the code below on how it works:

const shoes = [
  { name: 'vans', color: 'blue' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'black' },
  { name: 'addidas', color: 'white' },

// Replacing the second object with a new one
shoes[1] = { name: 'converse', color: 'yellow' };


{name: "vans", color: "blue"}
{name: "converse", color: "yellow"}
{name: "addidas", color: "white"}

4. Finding Objects in Arrays

Meanwhile, before updating an array, it is necessary to locate a specific object within it. To do this, the find() method can be used to find an object based on a set of criteria.

const shoes = [
  { name: 'vans', color: 'orange' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'blue' },
  { name: 'addidas', color: 'green' },

// Finding the object with color 'orange'
const schoolShoes = shoes.find((shoes) => shoes.color === 'orange');


{name: "vans", color: "orange"}

5. Updating Multiple Properties

Alternatively, you can use the spread operator in conjunction with object literals to update many properties of an object in the array.

Take a look at the snippet code below:

const shoes = [
  { name: 'vans', color: 'white' },
  { name: 'addidas', color: 'yellow' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'blue' },

// Updating both name and color of the second object
shoes[1] = {[1], name: 'puma', color: 'blue' };


{name: "puma", color: "blue"}

6. Conditional Object Updates

Technically, it is possible that you will need to conditionally update objects based on certain conditions. To generate a new array with updated items, use the map() method.

Here’s an example program you can consider:

const shoes = [
  { name: 'vans', color: 'black' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'red' },
  { name: 'addidas', color: 'blue' },

// Updating the color of all shoes to 'white' if their name starts with 'a'
const updatedShoes = =>'a') ? {, color: 'white' } : shoes



{name: "vans", color: "black"}

{name: "nike", color: "red"}

{name: "addidas", color: "white"}

7. Preventing Side Effects

In some cases, be mindful of unintended side effects while updating objects within arrays.

For updates, use the spread operator or Object.assign() to avoid unintentional modifications.

const shoes = [  { name: 'vans', color: 'blue' },
  { name: 'nike', color: 'yellow' },
  { name: 'puma', color: 'orange' },

// Preventing side effects when updating objects
const updatedShoes = => === 'puma' ? {, color: 'green' } : shoes



{name: "puma", color: "orange"}
{name: "puma", color: "green"}

Common Difficulties and Pitfalls

  1. Changing the Original Array
    A common error is to directly alter the existing array rather than create a new one with modifications. To avoid unanticipated behaviors, strive for immutability.
  2. Not Using Non-Existing Objects
    When updating objects, make sure the object is still present in the array. Attempting to update an object that does not exist will result in problems.
  3. Leaving out the Return in map()
    Remember to add the return statement when using map() to build the updated array.
  4. Invalid Comparison Operators
    When searching for objects, use correct comparison operators because wrong operators can lead to inaccurate results.
  5. Nested Objects Deep Copying
    Deep copy nested objects while updating them to minimize unintended references.

Nevertheless, here are other functions you can learn to enhance your JavaScript skills.


In conclusion, updating objects within JavaScript arrays is a fundamental skill for any web developer. Understanding the basics of arrays and objects and knowing various techniques for updating objects will empower you to build more dynamic and interactive web applications.

Remember to follow best practices to prevent unintended side effects and prioritize immutability when updating objects.

So, go ahead and explore the world of JavaScript arrays and unleash the full potential of your web development projects!

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