JavaScript Swap Two Variables | Ultimate Guide

In JavaScript, swapping two variables is a fundamental operation used in various programming scenarios.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding how to swap variables is crucial for optimizing code and improving performance.

By the end of this article, it aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to swap two variables in JavaScript, explore different methods and best practices.

What is JavaScript swap two variables?

Swapping variables in JavaScript involves exchanging the values stored in two variables without using a temporary variable.

There are several methods to accomplish this task, each with its unique advantages and use cases.

How do you swap two variables?

In this case, let’s explore into these methods and their implementations.

1. Using a Temporary Variable

One of the simplest methods to swap variables is by using a temporary variable.

This approach involves creating an intermediary variable to hold the value of one variable temporarily, allowing us to exchange their values.

The code snippet below illustrates this method:

let variableA = 5;
let variableB = 10;

let temp = variableA ;
variableA = variableB ;
variableB = temp;

console.log("The values have been swapped.");
console.log("variableA  =", variableA ); 
console.log("variableB  =", variableB ); 

The code above initializes two variables variableA and variableB with values 5 and 10, respectively. It then uses a temporary variable temp to store the value of variableA .

After that, it assigns the value of variableB to variableA and finally assigns the value of temp (which was originally variableA ) to variableB . As a result, the values of variableA and variableB are swapped.


The values have been swapped.
variableA  =
variableB  = 5

2. Using Arithmetic Operations

Another interesting way to swap variables is by utilizing arithmetic operations, such as addition and subtraction.

This method works for numeric values and can be implemented as follows:

let sampleVar1 = 15;
let sampleVar2 = 20;

sampleVar1 = sampleVar1 + sampleVar2; // sampleVar1 = 15 + 20 = 35
sampleVar2 = sampleVar1 - sampleVar2; // sampleVar2 = 35 - 20 = 15
sampleVar1 = sampleVar1 - sampleVar2; // sampleVar1 = 35 - 15 = 20

console.log("The values have been swapped.");
console.log("sampleVar1 =", sampleVar1); // Output: sampleVar1 = 20
console.log("sampleVar2 =", sampleVar2); // Output: sampleVar2 = 15

The code above initializes two variables sampleVar1 and sampleVar2 with values 15 and 20, respectively.

It then uses arithmetic operations to swap the values of the variables without using a temporary variable.

After the swapping process, sampleVar1 holds the value 20, and sampleVar2 holds the value 15.


The values have been swapped.
sampleVar1 =
sampleVar2 =

3. Using the XOR Operator

The XOR (exclusive OR) operator can also be employed to swap two variables efficiently. This method is particularly useful for swapping boolean values or integers. The code snippet below demonstrates how to use the XOR operator for variable swapping:

let sampleVar1 = true;
let sampleVar2 = false;

sampleVar1 = sampleVar1 ^ sampleVar2; // sampleVar1 = true ^ false = true
sampleVar2 = sampleVar1 ^ sampleVar2; // sampleVar2 = true ^ false = true
sampleVar1 = sampleVar1 ^ sampleVar2; // sampleVar1 = true ^ true = false

console.log("The values have been swapped.");
console.log("sampleVar1 =", sampleVar1); // Output: sampleVar1 = false
console.log("sampleVar2 =", sampleVar2); // Output: sampleVar2 = true

The code above uses bitwise XOR (^) to swap the values of the boolean variables sampleVar1 and sampleVar2 without using a temporary variable.

After the swapping process, sampleVar1 holds the value false, and sampleVar2 holds the value true.


The values have been swapped.
sampleVar1 = false
sampleVar2 = true

4. Using Destructuring Assignment

Another method to consider is using the modern JavaScript destructuring assignment, which provides an elegant way to swap variables in a single line of code:

let num1 = 25;
let num2 = 30;

[num1, num2] = [num2, num1];

console.log("The values have been swapped.");
console.log("num1 =", num1); // Output: num1 = 30
console.log("num2 =", num2); // Output: num2 = 25

The code above uses destructuring assignment to swap the values of the num1 and num2 variables without using a temporary variable.

The [num2, num1] array assigns the value of num2 to num1, and the value of num1 to num2, effectively swapping their values.


The values have been swapped.
num1 = 30
num2 = 25

5. Swapping with ES6 Syntax

Alternatively, we canutilize the advent of ES6, JavaScript introduced the “let” keyword, which allows block-scoped variable declarations. Basically, swapping variables using ES6 syntax is concise and easy to read:

let firstName = "Grace";
let lastName = "Abela";

[firstName, lastName] = [lastName, firstName];

console.log("The values have been swapped.");
console.log("firstName =", firstName); // Output: firstName = Abela
console.log("lastName =", lastName);   // Output: lastName = Grace

The code above uses destructuring assignment to swap the values of the firstName and lastName variables without using a temporary variable.

The [lastName, firstName] array assigns the value of lastName to firstName, and the value of firstName to lastName, effectively swapping their values.

After the swapping process, firstName holds the value “Abela”, and lastName holds the value “Grace”.


The values have been swapped.
firstName = Abela
lastName = Grace

How to swap array elements in JavaScript?

Swapping array elements in JavaScript can be achieved using various methods. Let’s explore a few common approaches to accomplish this task:

1. Swapping Elements Using a Temporary Variable

One of the simplest methods to swap elements in an array is by using a temporary variable. This approach involves creating an intermediary variable to temporarily hold the value of one element while swapping their positions. Here’s an example of how to do it:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let index1 = 1;
let index2 = 3;

let temp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = temp;

In this example, the elements at index 1 and index 3 are swapped, resulting in the array [1, 4, 3, 2, 5].

2. Swapping Elements Using Array Destructuring

With the introduction of ES6, JavaScript offers a concise and elegant way to swap elements using array destructuring. This method allows us to swap elements in a single line of code without using a temporary variable:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let index1 = 1;
let index2 = 3;

[array[index1], array[index2]] = [array[index2], array[index1]];

The above code accomplishes the same result as the previous method, swapping the elements at index 1 and index 3 in the array.

Best Practices for Variable Swapping

To ensure effective and efficient variable swapping, follow these best practices:

1. Use Meaningful Variable Names

Choose descriptive variable names that indicate their purpose. This enhances code readability and reduces the likelihood of errors during swapping.

2. Consider Use Case and Data Type

Select the most appropriate method based on the specific use case and data type of the variables being swapped.

3. Double-Check Logic

Before implementing variable swapping, review the logic and verify that it will work correctly for all scenarios.

4. Comment Your Code

Add comments to the swapping code to provide clarity to other developers who may review or modify the code in the future.

5. Test Thoroughly

Test your swapping implementation with different input values to ensure it works as expected in all situations.

Nevertheless, here are other functions you can learn to enhance your JavaScript skills.


In conclusion swapping two variables in Javascript is a fundamental operation, it enables developers to recognize data efficiently.

Nonetheless, this article provided various methods to swap two varaibele, including using a temporary variable, arithmetic operations, the XOR operator andf destructuring assignement.

Keep in mind to choose the appropriate method based on the data type and use case. hus always test implentation thoroughly to make sure accuracy.

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