How to Set Data Attribute in JavaScript

One of the important features of JavaScript is the ability to set data attributes, which provide a proper way to store data directly within the HTML elements.

In this article, you are going to learn how to set data attributes in JavaScript, explore its benefits, and provide practical examples to help you implement it effectively in your projects.

What is Set Data Attribute in JavaScript?

JavaScript set data attribute is a candid process that requires accessing the DOM (Document Object Model) and using the setAttribute() method.

Syntax for Setting a Data Attribute

element.setAttribute('data-attribute-name', 'value');

Replace ‘data-attribute-name‘ with the proper name for your data attribute and ‘value‘ with the corresponding value you want to store.

Let’s explore different cases where you might want to set data attributes and how to implement them.

Different Cases for Using Data Attributes

Setting Custom Data for HTML Elements

Using data attributes enables you to attach custom data to HTML elements. This can be useful for storing additional information related to an element, such as an ID, user-specific data, or configuration settings.

Here’s an example code:

<button id="btnSubmit" data-action="submit-form">Submit</button>

In this example, the data-action attribute is set to “submit-form“, providing additional details about the button element.

Data Attributes and JavaScript Event Handling

Data attributes are especially useful when handling events in JavaScript. By setting data attributes on elements, you can easily access them during event handling and perform actions appropriately.

Let’s assume an example where we want to show a message based on the data attribute value when a button is clicked:

<button id="btnMessage" data-greeting="Welcome Itsourcecode!">Message</button>

const btnMessage = document.getElementById('btnMessage');

btnGreet.addEventListener('click', function() {
    const message = this.getAttribute('data-greeting');

When the “Message” button is clicked, the event listener will restore the value of the data-greeting attribute and display the corresponding greeting message.

Data Attributes for Styling and Presentation

Data attributes can also be used to control the display and styling of elements through JavaScript or CSS.

For example, consider the following example, where we use a data attribute to define the background color of a “div” element:

<div data-background-color="#2596be">Login</div>

const divElementSample = document.querySelector('div[data-background-color]');

const bgColorSample = divElementSample.getAttribute('data-background-color'); = bgColorSample;

By setting the data-background-color attribute, we can constantly set the background color of the div element using JavaScript.

Parsing Boolean data attribute

<div id="btnFeature" data-highlighted="true">

const featureElementSample = document.getElementById('btnFeature');
const highlightedValue = featureElement.getAttribute('data-highlighted') === 'true';

console.log(`Highlighted: ${highlightedValue}`);

Modifying Data Attributes

To update data attribute values, you can use the setAttribute() method once again or manipulate the dataset property directly.

Example of Updating a data attribute using setAttribute():

<div id="btnUser" data-name="Jude">

const userElementValue = document.getElementById('btnUser');
userElementValue.setAttribute('data-name', 'Glenn');

In this example, we change the ‘data-name‘ attribute from ‘Jude‘ to ‘Glenn‘.

Example of Updating a data attribute using dataset property

<span id="btnCount" data-value="18">

const countElementValue = document.getElementById('btnCount');
countElementValue.dataset.value = '23';

In this example, we change the ‘data-value‘ attribute using the dataset property, setting it to ‘23‘.

Common Mistake to Avoid

While data attributes are powerful, it is important to use them accordingly and avoid possible mistake.

Here are some common mistakes to control:

  • Overusing Data Attributes
  • Invalid Attribute Names
  • Redundant Scripting

Advantages of the Power of Data Attributes

Data attributes might look simple at first, but they will bring significant advantages to your development workflow.

Here are some advantages of why data attributes are valuable:

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Dynamic Data Storage
  • Accessibility and Usability
  • Easy JavaScript Access
  • Customization and Personalization

Best Practices for Using Data Attributes

While data attributes are a powerful tool, using them completely requires following the best practices.

Here are some practices to make the most out of data attributes in your projects:

  • Semantic Naming
    • Select essential names for data attributes that reflect their purpose and the information they store. This promotes code readability and maintenance.
  • Limited Use
    • Avoid enormous use of data attributes; instead, focus on using them only when required to maintain a clean HTML structure.
  • JavaScript Separation
    • Keep JavaScript code separate from HTML, even when using data attributes. Use event listeners and functions to handle interactions.
  • Data Validation
    • Make sure that the data stored in data attributes are properly validated to avoid security vulnerabilities or incorrect information.
  • Compatibility Considerations
    • Test your code across different browsers to ensure cross-browser connection when working with data attributes.

By following these best practices, you can use the full potential of data attributes and increase the functionality of your web applications.


What are data attributes in JavaScript?

Data attributes in JavaScript are HTML attributes that enable developers to store custom data within elements. They are prefixed with “data-” and can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript.

Are data attributes visible to users?

Data attributes are not visible to users by default. They are designed to store information for JavaScript functionality and are accessible only through scripts.

Can I set data attributes for any HTML element?

Yes, data attributes can be set on any HTML element, including custom ones. They provide flexibility in storing data related to the element for various purposes.


Setting data attributes in JavaScript opens up new capabilities for creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

By attaching custom data to HTML elements, you can increase functionality, improve event handling, and streamline CSS styling.

Remember to use data attributes wisely and keep your code clean and maintainable.

With this guide, you now have the knowledge to use the power of data attributes effectively in your JavaScript projects.

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