How to get JavaScript Unix Timestamp | 3 Methods

Are you wondering how to get JavaScript unix timestamp? Are you looking at what JavaScript unix timestamp means?

Then, this article is for you! Stay tuned as we cover the concept of UNIX timestamp in JavaScript, explore the methods to get unix timestamp, and how to convert unix timestamp to date.

What is javascript unix timestamp?

A JavaScript Unix timestamp refers to the representation of time as the number of seconds or milliseconds that have passed since the Unix epoch, which occurred at 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970.

Additionally, it is a widely used method for storing and manipulating time in JavaScript and many other programming languages.

Furthermore, in JavaScript, you can obtain the Unix timestamp using the getTime() method of the JavaScript Date object. This method returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

Thus, to convert it to seconds, you can divide the timestamp by 1000.

Here’s an example of obtaining the current Unix timestamp in JavaScript:

// Get the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds
var timestampMs = new Date().getTime();

// Convert milliseconds to seconds
var timestampSec = Math.floor(timestampMs / 1000);


This code snippet will output the current Unix timestamp in seconds.

Note that the timestamp represents the number of seconds since the Unix epoch and is typically used for various time-related operations.

Mainly, it includes measuring time differences, scheduling events, or working with APIs that require Unix timestamps.

How to get unix timestamp javascript

In JavaScript, there are several methods you can use to obtain the Unix timestamp. Now let’s get started and explore the following methods provided.

Method 1: Using the getTime() method of the Date object

The getTime() method returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. To convert it to seconds, you can divide the timestamp by 1000.

Example program:

// Get the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds
var timestampMs = new Date().getTime();

// Convert milliseconds to seconds
var timestampSec = Math.floor(timestampMs / 1000);





  1. The new Date() creates a new instance of the Date object representing the current date and time.
  2. The getTime() method retrieves the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970).
  3. The timestamp is divided by 1000 to convert it from milliseconds to seconds.
  4. The Math.floor() function is used to round down the result to the nearest integer.
  5. Finally, the Unix timestamp in seconds is logged to the console.

Method 2: Using the method

Another method is which also returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

To convert it to seconds, you can divide the timestamp by 1000.

Example program:

// Get the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds
var timestampMs =;

// Convert milliseconds to seconds
var timestampSec = Math.floor(timestampMs / 1000);





  1. The method directly returns the current timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  2. The timestamp is divided by 1000 to convert it from milliseconds to seconds.
  3. The Math.floor() function is used to round down the result to the nearest integer.
  4. The Unix timestamp in seconds is then logged to the console.

Method 3: Using the getTime() method of a specified Date object

You can also create a Date object for a specific date and time, and then use its getTime() method to obtain the Unix timestamp in JavaScript.

Example program:

// Create a Date object for a specific date and time
var date = new Date('2023-07-13T12:34:56Z');

// Get the Unix timestamp in milliseconds
var timestampMs = date.getTime();

// Convert milliseconds to seconds
var timestampSec = Math.floor(timestampMs / 1000);





  1. The new Date(‘2023-07-13T12:34:56Z’) creates a Date object representing the specific date and time provided in ISO 8601 format. The ‘Z’ at the end indicates UTC time.
  2. The getTime() method of the Date object retrieves the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch for the specified date.
  3. The timestamp is divided by 1000 to convert it from milliseconds to seconds.
  4. The Math.floor() function is used to round down the result to the nearest integer.
  5. The Unix timestamp in seconds is then logged to the console.

These three methods provide different ways to obtain the Unix timestamp in JavaScript. You can choose the method that best suits your requirements and use it accordingly in your code.

How to convert unix timestamp to date in javascript

To convert a Unix timestamp to a date in JavaScript, you can use the Date object along with the getTime() method.

Here’s an example:

// Unix timestamp in seconds
const unixTimestamp = 1626178621;

// Create a new Date object with the timestamp
const date = new Date(unixTimestamp * 1000);

// Extract the different components of the date
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = date.getMonth() + 1; // Month is zero-based, so we add 1
const day = date.getDate();
const hours = date.getHours();
const minutes = date.getMinutes();
const seconds = date.getSeconds();

// Format the date as desired
const formattedDate = `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;



2021-7-13 20:17:1

In this example, the Unix timestamp is multiplied by 1000 to convert it to milliseconds since the Date object works with milliseconds.

Then, the Date object is used to extract the various components of the date, such as the year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Finally, the date components are combined to form a formatted date string.

To learn more about JavaScript functions here are other resources you can check out:


In conclusion, this article provides an overview of JavaScript Unix timestamp and its significance in representing time.

It explains that a Unix timestamp denotes the number of seconds or milliseconds that have passed since the Unix epoch.

The article demonstrates different methods to obtain the Unix timestamp in JavaScript, such as using the getTime() method of the Date object or the method.

It also covers how to convert a Unix timestamp back to a readable date format using the Date object.

By following the examples and explanations provided, readers can easily work with Unix timestamps in JavaScript and perform time-related operations effectively.

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