How to generate unique ID for each array of objects in JavaScript?

In this article, we will explore several methods on how to generate unique IDs for each array of objects in JavaScript.

Apart from that, we’ll provide you with practical solutions for your coding needs.

We know that generating unique IDs for each array of objects can be a useful task when you’re working with complex data structures in JavaScript.

But before we dive into the solutions to get the JavaScript unique ID for an object, we’ll understand first what it mean by unique ID.

What is a unique id for an object in JavaScript?

A unique identifier (UID) is a special name that is guaranteed to be different from any other names used for those objects and serves a specific purpose.

The way we create a UID depends on the programming language and the particular situation.

For instance, in Java, one way to get a unique ID for each object is to add a field to the object.

In JavaScript, one approach is to use Object.defineProperty to define a property on the object that cannot be easily listed or counted.

In simple word, unique IDs allow you to identify and differentiate individual objects within an array, making it easier to perform specific operations or track changes.

How to get unique user ID in JavaScript?

To get a unique user ID in JavaScript, we can use a third-party library, like the uuid library, which can generate a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) to serve as the unique user ID.

It is because JavaScript doesn’t have a built-in method to get a unique user ID automatically.

Nonetheless, you have several options to generate a unique identifier for a user, like the uuid library.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how you can use the uuid library to generate a unique user ID and show the output:

const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
const userId = uuidv4();
console.log(`The unique user ID is: ${userId}`);

This code generates a unique user ID by using the uuidv4 function from the uuid library and saves it in the userId variable.

The console.log statement then displays the generated user ID in the console.

When you run this code, you will see an output similar to the following:

The unique user ID is: bdf4ee57-8446-441d-a8c3-746a557c81ec

Each time you run the code, the UUID’s value will be different since it is randomly generated.

Solutions on how to generate unique ID for each array of objects in JavaScript?

Here are the solutions that will help you to get or generate a unique ID for each array of objects in JavaScript.

Solution 1: Use UUID

This solution is already mentioned above. You can use the uuid library to generate a unique ID called a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).

A UUID is a special number used to identify something in a unique way. The uuid library generates a UUID that can be used as a unique ID.

For example:

const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');

function generateUniqueID() {
  let uniqueID = uuidv4();
  return uniqueID;

let UniqueID = generateUniqueID();



As what we mentioned above, each time you run the code, the UUID’s value will be different since it is randomly generated.

Solution 2: Use Math.random()

The Math.random() function produces a random number ranging from 0 to 1. By multiplying this result with a large number and rounding it off.

You can use this function to generate a unique ID. Here is an example to illustrate this process:

function generateUniqueID() {
  let uniqueID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500000);
  return uniqueID;

let UniqueID = generateUniqueID();



Solution 3: Use

This approach creates a unique ID by utilizing the function, which provides the count of milliseconds passed since January 1, 1970.

The resulting value serves as a unique ID that represents the current timestamp in milliseconds.

For example:

function generateUniqueID() {
  let uniqueID =;
  return uniqueID;

let UniqueID = generateUniqueID();



Solution 4: Use the expression Math.floor(Math.random() *

Here’s an example code that illustrates on how to generates a unique ID using the expression Math.floor(Math.random() *

function generateUniqueID() {
  let uniqueID = Math.floor(Math.random() *;
  return uniqueID;

let UniqueID = generateUniqueID();

This code includes a function called generateUniqueID().

It generates a unique ID by utilizing the expression Math.floor(Math.random() *

The function returns the unique ID generated, which is assigned to the variable UniqueID.

Finally, the value of UniqueID is logged to the console.



The provided expression Math.floor(Math.random() * generates a random hexadecimal string that serves as a unique ID.


In conclusion, this article explored several methods on how to generate unique IDs for arrays of objects in JavaScript.

It discussed the importance of unique IDs in identifying and differentiating individual objects within an array.

This article also provides solutions for obtaining unique IDs, including the use of third-party libraries like uuid, as well as utilizing built-in JavaScript functions such as Math.random() and

We also provide examples for each solution, demonstrating how to generate unique IDs.

By using these methods, you can effectively handle complex data structures and perform specific operations or track changes within their JavaScript code.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand unique ID JavaScript objects. 

You can also check out the following article:

Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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