Template strings, also referred as template literals is an important feature introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) that brings to increase flexibility in working with strings in JavaScript.
In this article, we will discuss the template strings, their syntax, functionality, and benefits.
What are Template Strings?
Template strings are a type of string literals that enable for enclosed expressions within backticks ( ) rather of single or double quotes.
These expressions are indicated by the dollar sign and curly braces ${expression}.
The values of these expressions are estimated and then concatenated with the surrounding string.
Why Use Template Strings in JavaScript?
Template strings provide certain advantages over traditional string concatenation using quotes and the plus (+) operator:
- Simpler Syntax
- The backticks and ${} syntax offer a cleaner and more readable method to make strings with embedded variables.
- Multiline Strings
- Template strings can span several lines without needing an escape characters, executing a code more maintainable.
- Expression Evaluation
- Embedded expressions enable for the evaluation of constant values, variables, or even function calls directly within the string.
- Tagged Template Literals
- Advanced use cases require tagging template literals with functions to allow custom string transformations.
Usage and Example Codes
In this section, we will proceed in using template strings and provide practical examples to consolidate your understanding.
1. Basic Usage of Template Strings
To make a template string, enclose the content with backticks instead of single or double quotes.
For example:
const fullname = "Ricardo Octavio";
const message = `Hello, ${fullname}!`;
Hello, Ricardo Octavio!
2. Multiline Template Strings
Traditional strings span a single line, involving the use of escape characters for multiline content.
With template strings, multiline content becomes uncomplicated.
Here’s an example:
const letter = `This is an example of multiline
string using template
strings JavaScript.`;
This is an example of multiline
string using template
strings JavaScript.
3. Expression Evaluation
Template strings allow the dynamic evaluation of expressions.
Let’s see an example:
const num1 = 20;
const num2 = 9;
const sumResult = `The sum of ${num1} and ${num2} is ${num1 + num2}.`;
The sum of 20 and 9 is 29.
4. Tagged Template Literals
Tagged template literals its require using a function to process the template.
For example:
function customTagTemplate(strings, ...values) {
let resultSample = "";
for (let x = 0; x < strings.length; x++) {
resultSample += strings[x];
if (values[x]) {
resultSample += values[x].toUpperCase();
return resultSample;
const message = "to the tutorial of";
const message2 = "Itsourcecode";message
const taggedStringResult = customTagTemplate`WELCOME, ${message} ${message2}.`;
Best Practices in using Template String JavaScript
Here are the following best practices for using template strings effectively.
- Keep Code Readable
- Avoid Injection Vulnerabilities
- Use Template Tags Wisely
Yes, template strings can consists of any valid JavaScript expression, including function calls and arithmetic operations.
Yes, template strings are supported in all major modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
Yes, you can nest template strings to any level of measurement required for your use case.
Absolutely! Template strings fully support Unicode characters and are not limited to ASCII characters.
In conclusion, template strings can increased string handling capabilities to JavaScript, making it simplier to create dynamic and readable code.
We also have discussed the basic syntax, benefits, and usage examples of template strings.