What Is Variables In Java
The Variables in Java is a data container that saves the data values while the Java program is running.
Every variable is given a data type that tells what kind and how many values it can hold.
A variable is a name for a place in memory where the data is kept.
The Variable In Java is a name for a place in memory. It is the basic way that a program stores information.
- During program execution, the value stored in a variable can be changed.
- A variable is just a name for a memory location. All of the operations done on the variable affect that memory location.
- All variables must be declared in Java before they can be used.
How to Declare Variables in Java
As an example, the picture below shows how we can declare variables in Java.

From the image, it’s clear that when declaring a variable, we need to pay attention to two things:
- datatype – Type of data that can be saved or stored in this variable.
- data_name – The name given to the variable.
In this way, only a memory location can be given a name.
There are two ways to give it a value:
- Variable Initialization
- Giving value by taking input
How to Initialize Variables
Variables are explicitly initialized if they are given a value in the declaration statement.
During processing, if a value is given to a variable, this is called implicit initialization.
It can be understood with the help of three things, which are:
- datatype – Type of data that can be saved or stored in this variable.
- data_name – The name given to the variable.
- value – It is the value that the variable was set to at first.

float sampleInterest;
// Declaring float variable
int number = 30, speed = 50;
// Declaring and initializing integer variable
char var = ‘g’;
// Declaring and initializing character variable
Types Of Variables In Java
Now let’s talk about the different types of variables, which are as follows:
- Local Variables
- Instance Variables
- Static Variables
Here is an image of what the 3 Variables look like.

Local Variables In Java
The Local variables In Java are made when you enter a method, constructor, or block.
When you leave a method, constructor, or block, the variable is destroyed.
Local variables can’t use access modifiers.
Local variables can only be seen inside the method, constructor, or block where they were declared.
Example of Local Variables Program:
/*package whatever //do not write package name here */ // Contributed by Glenn Azuelo import java.io.*; public class pies { public static void main(String[] args) { int variable = 26; // Declared a Local Variable // This variable is local to this main method only System.out.println("Local Variable: " + variable); } }
Local Variable: 26
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Instance Variables In Java
The Instance Variables In Java, these are non-static variables that are defined outside of any method, constructor, or block.
Each object of the class that is created has its own copy, or instance, of that variable. A class contains instance variables.
- As instance variables are declared in a class, they are created when an object of the class is created and destroyed when the object is destroyed.
- For instance variables, we can use access specifiers, which we can’t do with local variables. If we don’t give a specific access specifier, the default one will be used.
- An instance variable does not have to be initialized. Its default value is 0.
- You can only get to instance variables by making objects.
Example of Instance Variables Program:
/*package whatever //do not write package name here */ // Written By Glenn Magada Azuelo import java.io.*; public class PIES { public String itsc; // Declared Instance Variable public PIES() { // Default Constructor this.itsc = "Glenn Magada Azuelo"; // initializing Instance Variable } //Main Method public static void main(String[] args) { // Object Creation PIES name = new PIES(); // Displaying O/P System.out.println("Programmer name is: " + name.itsc); } }
Programmer name is: Glenn Magada Azuelo
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Static Variables In Java
The Static Variables In Java are also called class variables. That is, they belong to a class, not a particular instance.
As a result, class initialization will set up static variables.
In contrast, a class’s instance will start the instance variables (non-static variables).
- Like instance variables, these variables are also declared in the same way. The difference is that static variables are declared using the keyword “static” outside of any method, constructor, or block.
- Unlike instance variables, we can only have one copy of each static variable per class, no matter how many objects we create.
- Static variables are made when a program starts to run and are destroyed automatically when the program finishes running.
- If we use an object to access a static variable like an instance variable, the compiler will show a warning message, but the program won’t stop. The compiler will automatically change the name of the object to the name of the class.
- If we try to use a static variable without the class name, the compiler will add it for us.
Example of Static Variables Program:
/*package whatever //do not write package name here */ // Glenn Magada Azuelo import java.io.*; public class PIES { public static String itsc = "Glenn Magada Azuelo"; //Declared static variable public static void main (String[] args) { //itsc variable can be accessed without object creation //Displaying O/P //PIES.itsc --> using the static variable System.out.println("Programmer Name is : "+PIES.itsc); } }
Programmer Name is : Glenn Magada Azuelo
You can test the above example here! ➡Java Online Compiler
Differences Between the Instance Variables and the Static Variables
The difference between the Instance Variables and the Static Variables is that when the keyword “new” is used to construct an object, Instance Variables are generated.
They are deleted when the object is destroyed. When a program begins, Static Variables are created, and they are deleted when it ends.
By calling the variable name within the class, it is possible to access instance variables directly.
Now I’ll talk more about how the two are different.
- An Instance Variable will have its own copy for each object, but we can only have one copy of a static variable per class, no matter how many objects we make.
- Because each object has its own copy of an Instance Variable, changes made to an instance variable by one object won’t affect other objects. Static Variables are shared by all objects in a class, so when they are changed, the changes show up in other objects as well.
- We can get to instance variables by referring to them as objects, and we can get to static variables by using the class name.
Basic Syntax of Static and Instance Variables
class PIES { // Static variable static int number; // Instance variable int number; }
In this article, we talked about Variables In Java, how it works, and how this chapter could help you learn Java.
This could be one of the most important learning guides that will help you improve your skills and knowledge as a future Java Developer.
What’s Next
The next section talks about Modifier In Java programming. At the end of the session, you’ll know what Modifier all about in Java.