Importerror: cannot import name get_config from tensorflow.python.eager.context

If you’ve been using Python for a while, chances you have come across the error Importerror: cannot import name get_config from tensorflow.python.eager.context.

Here is how this error occurs:

from tensorflow.python.eager.context import get_config

config = get_config()


Importerror: cannot import name get_config from tensorflow.python.eager.context

In this article, we will explore the different causes of this error and provide you with effective solutions to fix it.

What is cannot import name get_config from tensorflow.python.eager.context?

This importerror: cannot import name getconfig from tensorflow.python.eager.context is an error when keras module has incompatibility.

Apparently, keras itself is an independent deep-learning library, and tensorflow 2.x+ is the one that maintains the keras subpackage.

On the other hand tensorflow 1.x is more difficult syntax along with keras which is a high-level library.

All in all Tensorflow over keras was more controlled in deep neural layers and respective session variables.

Possible Causes

There are a number of different things that can cause this error message to appear. Some of the most common causes include:

  • An incompatible version of TensorFlow
  • A corrupted or incomplete installation of TensorFlow
  • Missing dependencies
  • Conflicting libraries or packages

Now let’s proceed to solutions…

Importerror: cannot import name get_config from tensorflow.python.eager.context – Solutions

At times we encounter the error because of conflicting modules, the best way is to update all submodules.

Here are the following solutions:

1. Upgrade tensorflow module

One way to fix the error is to upgrade tensorflow module.

Here is the command you can try:

pip install --upgrade tensorflow
pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu

2. Update Import statement

Another way is to update your import statement and replace the right package.

So from this import statement:

from keras.preprocessing import image

To this import statement using the tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.

from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image

3. Update keras module

Alternatively, when keras module is used in place of tensorflow then we should update the keras module. I suggest having 2.3.1+ version of Keras is way better.

pip install keras==2.3.1

Anyway here are some other fixed errors wherein you can refer to try when you might face these errors:


In conclusion, Importerror: cannot import name get_config from tensorflow.python.eager.context is an error when keras module has incompatibility. To fix this error update all conflicting module as well as their submodules.

I hope this article has helped you fix the error.

Until next time! 😊