Importerror: cannot import name ‘docevents’ from ‘’

If you are a Python developer and working with AWS SDK, you might have encountered the “ImportError: cannot import name ‘docevents’ from ‘‘” error at some point.

Actually this error can be frustrating and confusing, especially when you are in the middle of developing a critical project.

So in this article, we will explore how to fix it.

What is Importerror: cannot import name ‘docevents’ from ‘’?

The importerror: cannot import name ‘docevents’ from ‘’ error when there is an incompatibility of awscli version in AWS build.

In particular, docevents is a module of botocore library which is part of AWSCLI distribution.

How to fix Importerror: cannot import name ‘docevents’ from ‘’?

Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. Check the spelling of the module and package names to make sure they are correct.

  2. Upgrade your version of botocore using the following command.

    Run the following command to upgrade the botocore package to the latest version:

    pip install –upgrade botocore

  3. Uninstall and reinstall botocore package

    If upgrading botocore doesn’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the package using the following commands:

    pip uninstall botocore
    pip install botocore

  4. Make sure that you have the latest version of pip installed.

    You can upgrade pip using the following command:

    pip install –upgrade pip

  5. Change the Import Statement

    If you are unable to update or use an older version of Botocore, you can change the import statement to avoid importing the “docevents” module.

    Instead of using the following import statement:

    from import DocumentStructure

    You can use the following import statement:

    from import DocumentStructure

Another tips to fix this Error

As a mentioned cause, here are other tips to fix this error.

One of these is to upgrade both packages in particular, awscli and botocore.

sudo python3 -m pip3 install awscli
sudo python3 -m pip3 install botocore

Alternatively, we also need to upgrade pip package manager. This will resolve most of the problems in Python versioning.

So here is the command you can use:

python3 -m pip install –-upgrade pip

Usually, any pip install command automatically uninstalls the previous version.

But in some real cases, it will not uninstall the previous package.

So this time, we should manually uninstall the package using the command –

pip uninstall botocore

Now you can try the above command for installing the package botocore module.

Anyway, here are other fixed errors you can consider when somehow you might encounter them.


The “ImportError: cannot import name ‘docevents’ from ‘‘” error can be frustrating, but it is usually easy to fix.

Updating Botocore to the latest version or using an older version that still has the “docevents” module should solve the problem.

If neither of these options are feasible, you can change the import statement to avoid importing the “docevents” module.

Remember to always keep your dependencies up-to-date and double-check the import statements in your code to avoid such errors.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with others who may be experiencing the same issue.

I hope this article has helped you fix the error.

Until next time! 😊