Importerror: cannot import name dataclass_transform

ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform” error is one of the common errors you might encounter while working with Python code.

This error occurs for various reasons, this is why in this article we provided solutions to fix this error.

Importerror: cannot import name dataclass_transform

In particular the “ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform” occurs when we try to import “dataclass_transform” module. However, Python couldn’t find it.

Moreover, this module is used for data serialization and deserialization, and it is a key component of many Python applications.

Common Reasons cannot import name dataclass_transform occur

Thus, if you are wondering why this error occurs there are several reasons why.

Some of these are the following:

  • If you are using an outdated or incompatible version of a package or module, it may not be able to find the “dataclass_transform” module that it needs.

  • When there are missing dependencies in your Python environment, it may not be able to find the “dataclass_transform” module.

  • In anyhow you have not installed the “dataclass_transform” module correctly, Python may not be able to find it.

How to fix the “ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform” error

Now that we’ve identified some of the most common causes of the “ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform” error, let’s take a look at how you can fix it

  1. Upgrade to Python 3.7+

    dataclasses was introduced in Python 3.7, so if you are using an older version of Python, you will not be able to use dataclass_transform.

    You should upgrade to Python 3.7 or later to solve this issue.

  2. Install the dataclasses Package

    If you have Python 3.7 or later installed, but you still see the error, you may not have installed the dataclasses module.

    You can install it using the following command:
    pip install dataclasses

  3. Install the dataclass-wizard Package

    If you have installed the dataclasses module but still see the error, you may need to install the dataclass-wizard package.

    This package is a fork of dataclass_transform and provides the same functionality.

    You can install it using the following command:

    pip install dataclass-wizard

  4. Update packages

    The first step in fixing this error is to update your packages to ensure that you are using the latest version of all of your dependencies.

    You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

    pip install –upgrade pip

    This command will update pip to the latest version, which will then allow you to update your other packages.

    Next, you can update your packages by running the following command:

    pip install –upgrade package_name

    Replace “package_name” with the name of the package that you want to update. Repeat this process for all of your packages until they are all up to date.

  5. Install missing dependencies

    If you are still encountering the “ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform” error after updating your packages, the next step is to check for missing dependencies.

    You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

    pip install missing_dependency

    Replace “missing_dependency” with the name of the dependency that is missing.

    Repeat this process for all of your missing dependencies until they are all installed.

  6. Reinstall the module

    If none of the above steps work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the dataclass_transform module.

    You can do this by typing “pip uninstall dataclass_transform” followed by “pip install dataclass_transform” in the command prompt or terminal window.

I think that’s all for the solutions to this error.

Anyway, here are other fixed errors you can consider when somehow you might encounter them.


In conclusion, the ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform error occurs when Python cannot find the dataclass_transform module.

This can happen if you are using an outdated version of Python, have not installed the dataclasses module, or have not installed the dataclass_transform package.

To fix this error, you can upgrade to Python 3.7 or later, install the dataclasses module, or install the dataclass-wizard.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with others who may be experiencing the same issue.

I hope this article has helped you fix the error.

Until next time! 😊