Importerror: cannot import name ‘_registermattype’ from ‘cv2.cv2’

Being a developer, there’s a chance to encounter the Importerror: cannot import name ‘_registermattype’ from ‘cv2.cv2’ error at some point.

This error typically occurs because there is an incompatibility of opencv-python and opencv-python-headless.

In this article, we’ll explore some common reasons why this error might occur, as well as some potential solutions to fix it.

What is importerror: cannot import name ‘_registermattype’ from ‘cv2.cv2’?

The importerror: cannot import name registermattype from cv2.cv2 error happens when there is an incompatibility of opencv-python and opencv-python-headless.

Additionally, these packages should be compatible with each other and as possible the same version.

Furthermore, this opencv-python-headless is for servers meanwhile the opencv-python is for desktop applications.

Causes cannot import name ‘_registermattype’ from ‘cv2.cv2’

Here are some possible causes of the ImportError: cannot import name ‘_registermattype’ from ‘cv2.cv2’:

  • If OpenCV is not installed correctly, or if it is not installed at all, you may encounter this error.
  • If the version of OpenCV that you are using is not compatible with the version of the package that is trying to import _registermattype, you may encounter this error.
  • If there are conflicting dependencies between the package that is trying to import _registermattype and OpenCV, you may encounter this error.
  • It is also possible that the _registermattype function has been renamed or removed from the version of OpenCV that you are using.
  • There might be a typo in the code that is causing the error, such as a misspelled module name or function name.
  • Sometimes, the operating system itself can cause issues with the import of certain modules or functions.

Since we already knew what are the causes of this error, the important thing now is to understand how to check their different version.

Here is the command to know if they’re the same.

pip list |findstr opencv

Initially, the command above will print the version of the Python modules which prefix Opencv.

Now, let’s know what are the solution to this error.


Obviously, considering the definition of the error above the easiest way to fix the error is to have a compatible version opencv-python version and opencv-python-headless version.

To do this we can utilize pip package manager in installing these version.

📌 Here is the command you can use:

pip uninstall opencv-python-headless 
pip install opencv-python-headless


pip uninstall opencv-python-headless 
pip install opencv-python-headless==version

Technically, we can have multiple scenarios to solve this problem.

  • Either downgrade or upgrade to opencv-python package.
  • We can also downgrade or upgrade to opencv-python-headless package.
  • We can upgrade both to the latest version.

Meanwhile, if you are using conda and not into pip manager, you can use conda package manager to have matching packages version.

📌 Here is the command for this.

conda install -c fastai opencv-python-headless
conda install -c conda-forge opencv

Keep in mind to make sure to check the version first before doing all the commands.

Anyway here are some other fixed typeerror wherein you can refer to try when you might face these errors:

Tips to avoid Importerror

Here are some tips that may help you avoid the ImportError: cannot import name ‘_registermattype’ from ‘cv2.cv2’ error:

  • Ensure proper installation of OpenCV
  • Use compatible versions
  • Use virtual environments
  • Check for renamed or removed functions
  • Double-check your code
  • Stay updated


In conclusion, importerror: cannot import name registermattype from cv2.cv2 error occurs when there is an incompatibility of opencv-python and opencv-python-headless.

To fix this error update or downgrade opencv-python package and opencv-python-headless package or pgrade both to the latest version.

I think that’s all for this article. I hope it helped you fix the error.

Until next time! 😊