Managing employee information is a big task even if you have a system for it. In this tutorial, we will be dealing the basic employee information that would only be useful to our payroll system.
We will be adding two (2) forms in our project. The first form is very important because this is where we manipulate information of our employee. Listing of employee added is also displayed in this form.
Form Name: frmListOfEmployee
For the purpose of this tutorial, we are dealing with Adding, Editing and Deleting of the employee. Therefore, we only add the New, Edit, Delete button only. We will also add DataGridView object which is the black section in our figure. After adding the DataGridView, you will also add the column to it. You may follow the same Header Text of the column.
Next is the frmNewEmployee form which is use for the adding of a new employee and at the same time use for editing employee details.
Throughout this tutorial, we will be using the module procedure to make our coding as easy as possible. So we will be adding Module to our project and Name it as PayrollMod.vb.
No. 1 as indicated in the figure shows the added module and No. 2 indicates the code section of the module.
Before we proceed to the next lesson where we manage the code for Payroll Module. We will add the last form for the enrollment of position and employment status. This is also where we can set the basic pay of the employee.

In this form, you will add another ToolStip menu just add the Position and List Button. We will be dealing the reports later as we go through to our tutorials.
If you have any questions or suggestion about Managing Employee Information in Payroll System, please feel free to contact me at our contact page.
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