Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Documentation |Chapter 5

Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Documentation | Chapter 5

This last chapter of the Attendance Monitoring System thesis is about your proposed system for your study. Mainly, you will discuss the proposed system you created to solve the problem.

Just like previous chapters, this article will guide you in completing your Attendance Monitoring System documentation with examples.

Before going to the example, let’s discuss the parts of chapter 5.

How to write Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 5

How to write Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 5

  1. Introduction

    Write a short paragraph explaining the proposed solution and its benefits.

  2. Title and Brief Description of the Proposed Solution

    Write your proposed solution’s title and description

  3. Scope of the Solution

    In this section, write the coverage of your proposed solution in terms of features.

  4. Concept of Operation

    The concept of operation will discuss the overall idea of the proposed solution’s operation.

  5. Use Case Diagram of the Proposed System

    The use case diagram will illustrate the interaction of users with the proposed system. This will clearly show how the users interact with each module of the proposed system. It also has a use case description for each action of the user.

  6. Data Flow Diagram

    The data flow diagram will represent the flow of your data from the user to your proposed system. The diagram also shows the inputs and outputs to each part of your proposed system.

  7. Data Dictionary

    Your data dictionary lists your database tables and fields for a better understanding of the data captured by your system.

  8. Class Diagram

    The class diagram shows the different classes, attributes, methods, and functions of your system and its relation to each other. This will show the structure of your system.

  9. Entity Relationship Diagram

    The Entity-Relationship diagram shows the relationship of your tables in your database.

  10. Advantages and Disadvantages

    In this section, you will state the advantages and disadvantages of implementing your proposed system and stick to the functionality of your proposed system as a basis for this.

  11. Technical Feasibility

    Assess your proposed system if it is feasible based on your testing and availability of resources.

  12. Social and Operational Feasibility

    Assess your proposed system if it is feasible in terms of the reactions of the users to your proposed system. You can state if the proposed system is user-friendly and has a significant impact on their operations.

  13. Economic Feasibility

    Lastly, asses your proposed system if it is economically feasible. If your proposed system can minimize expenses in the overall operation, then it is economically feasible.

Now that we have discussed the steps in creating your last chapter, here is the sample document of Attendance Monitoring System Chapter 5.

Sample Attendance Monitoring System Documentation Chapter V

The Proposed Solution

Title and brief description of the proposed solution

The AMS for RTTNHS Su-ay Ext. is developed for the attendance monitoring of Raymundo T. Tongson NHS Su-ay Ext. The system is a window – based system that has the function to record the attendance of the students and teachers.

The proposed system covers the problem of using the manual system such as an unsecured record of attendance, lots of paper works, and inaccuracy of the data inputs.

This proposed system will benefit the school for its development and improvement by using a new technology and improved system for the day-to-day process of attendance.

The proposed system is entitled Attendance Monitoring System for Raymundo T. Tongson NHS Su-ay Ext. The system is developed to provide automation for the daily attendance of the students and teachers. The purpose of this system is to help the RTTNHS Su-ay Ext. to improve the attendance monitoring system for students and teachers.

With the system created with a user-friendly environment, the school staff would find their work easy and efficient. The system will help the school administrators to make the process of providing daily, weekly and monthly attendance reports easy to generate.

The system will also help the school administrators to evaluate the attendance performance of the students and teachers with ease. This will help the school a lot for its development and performance in terms of attendance monitoring.

Scope of the Proposed Solution

The proposed system was generally focused on the monitoring of the login and logout of the students and teachers. Students and teachers will only provide their identification code for their attendance after registering their information. The system will automatically determine and reflected if a student did not attend his classes.

Concept of Operation

The implementation plan will be enhanced and updated as new actions are introduced and implemented to the system. The system tracks the performance of students regarding their attendance on a regular basis.

The System Overview Attendance Monitoring System provides a foolproof solution for the existing problems of the business.

Attendance Monitoring System for RTTNHS Su-ay Ext.

AMS Use Case Diagram
Figure 5. AMS for RTNNHS Su-ay Ext . Use Case Diagram

Figure 5 shows how the proposed system works and interacts with the actors. First, the staff will register the students and teachers after registration, the staff will record the attendance of the students and teachers using the provided identification number and save to the database.

The staff can view attendance and create a report for the teachers and students. Students and teachers must request the staff to view their attendance records.

Use Case Description

The tables below describe all the functions, conditions and alternative flow to be met of all the entities used in the use case diagram of the proposed solution.

Table 1: Register

Use Case Name
Primary Actors
Staff, Student, Teachers
DescriptionThe staff will register the student’s and teacher’s information.

Stakeholder and Interests
Students and teachers – registering the basic information. Staff – Responsible for the inputting of the student and teacher’s information.
Pre-conditionThe student must be officially enrolled in the school. Teachers must be employed in the school.
Student and teachers added as a new member
Main Success ScenarioStudents and teachers will receive their ID Numbers.

Table 2: Record

Use Case Name
Record Attendance
Primary Actors
Staff, Student, Teachers
DescriptionThe staff will record the registered students and teachers.
Stakeholder and Interests
Student and teachers – present ID
number and have a daily attendance
Staff – Record attendance using ID
Pre-conditionThe students and teachers should have the identification card provided after registration.
Post-conditionIf preconditions met, then the staff will enter the id number and record attendance.
Main Success ScenarioStudents and teachers have their daily attendance.

Table 3: View Record

Use Case Name
View Record
Primary Actors
Staff, Student, Teachers
DescriptionThe students and teachers can view their attendance detail.
Stakeholder and InterestsStudents and teachers – want to view their attendance records. Staff – search for the attendance details of students or teachers.
Pre-conditionIn order to view attendance records, they must present their identification cards to the staff will search for their attendance details.
Post-conditionIf the precondition is met, then the staff will search for the attendance detail
Main Success ScenarioStudents and teachers view their attendance detail.

Table 4: Generate Report

Use Case Name Generate Report
Primary Actors Staff
Description The staff will create the daily and monthly reports of attendance.

Stakeholder and Interests

Staff – must generate daily and monthly report

The staff must log in as an administrator and access the report form.

If the precondition is met, then the staff create the report specific for students and teachers.

Main Success Scenario
The report will be provided to the school administrator for the evaluation of the student and teachers.

Attendance Monitoring System for RTTNHS Su-ay Ext.

Data Flow Diagram

Proposed Data Flow Diagram (AMS)
Figure 6. Proposed Data Flow Diagram (AMS)

Figure 6 shows that in the proposed system, the staff will register the student or teacher and to be verified by the staff. The registration is only a one-time process for each student and teacher. 

After the registration, it will continue to log in and record for daily attendance. The proposed system can generate records daily or monthly according to the students’ or teachers’ requests.

Proposed System Data Dictionary

The tables below show the list of conceptual database of the proposed solution. It shows the attributes, data types, and descriptions to be included in the database.

This ensures that the information needed was captured by different databases.

Table 5: tblstudent

Description Type Length
STD_ID (pk) Student ID number int 11
STD_FNAME First name varchar 30
STD_LNAME Last name varchar 30
STD_ADDRESS Address varchar 50
STD_YEAR Year Level varchar 10
STD_SECTION Section varchar 10
STD_BIRTHDAY Date of Birth varchar 30
STD_AGE Age int 3
STD_GENDER Gender varchar 10
STD_CONTACT Student Contact Number varchar 30

Table 6: tblstaff

Description Type Length
STF_ID (pk) Staff ID number Int 11
STF_FNAME First Name varchar 30
STF_LNAME Last Name Varchar 30
STD_ADDRESS Address Varchar 50
STF_CONTACT Contact Number varchar 20
STF_TYPE User Type varchar 30
STF_USERNAME User Username varchar 30
STF_PASSWORD User password varchar 30

Table 7: tblteacher

Description Type Length
TEA_ID (pk) Teacher ID Number varchar 15
TEA_FNAME First Name varchar 30
TEA_LNAME Last name varchar 30
TEA_ADDRESS   Address varchar 50
TEA_AGE Age int 3
TEA_BDAY Date of Birth varchar 30
TEA_GENDER Gender varchar 10
TEA_CONTACT Contact Number varchar 20
TEA_ADVISORY Advisory varchar 20

Table 8: std_attendance

Description Type Length
SATT_ID (pk) Student Attendance ID int 11
STD_ID (fk) Student ID number int 11
SATT_DATE Attendance date varchar 30
SATT_AM_IN Am Login varchar 10
SATT_AM_OUT Am Logout varchar 10
SATT_PM_IN Pm Login varchar 10
SATT_PM_OUT Pm Logout varchar 10

Table 9: tea_attendance

Description Type Length
TATT_ID (pk) Teacher Attendance ID int 11
TEA_ID (fk) Teacher ID number varchar 15
TATT_DATE Attendance date varchar 30
TATT _AM_IN Am Login varchar 10
TATT_AM_OUT Am Logout varchar 10
TATT _PM_IN Pm Login varchar 10
TATT _PM_OUT Pm Logout varchar 10

Proposed System Class Diagram

Attendance Monitoring System for RTTNHS

Class Diagram of (AMS) for RTNNHS Su-ay Extension
Figure 7. Class Diagram of (AMS) for RTNNHS Su-ay Extension

Figure 7 shows the database tables used for RTTNHS Su-ay ext. attendance monitoring system. It indicates the functions and relation to each table. The student, teachers, and staff table show that data can be added, updated and can be deleted while attendance table for students and teachers can only be added

Proposed System Entity Relationship Diagram

Attendance Monitoring System for RTTNHS

 Entity Relationship Diagram  of (AMS) for RTNNHS Su-ay Extension
Figure 8. Entity Relationship Diagram of (AMS) for RTNNHS Su-ay Extension

Figure 8 shows the relationship of tables of the proposed system in the database, an ERD is shown to trace the connection of each table. The models of the data were used independently of all physical consideration is constructed. The model is based on the requirements specification of the proposed system.

The design also considers the logical and physical database design phase meaning the design is based on the target data and base relations, indexes, integrity constraint, security are defined using SQL Language.

The database management system (DBMS) used was MySQL and the design user interface and the application program that use and process the database are defined and designed.


  • Reduce paperwork and save time
    and money with mobile and cloud-based attendance management system
  • Eliminate duplicate data entry
    and errors in time and attendance entries
  • Improve visibility to track and
    manage student’s attendance & absenteeism across multiple campuses
  • Track the attendance of
    teachers and students.
  • Keep the parents informed about
    the student’s performance
  • Auto-generate various types of
    reports of student attendance
  • Increased security and confidentiality with
    role-based permissions to users


  • Automatic calculation of leave
    and reward points accrued
  • Automatic teachers and student
    evaluation about the attendance performance.
  • Scheduling of events in the school.

Technical Feasibility

During the research development of AMS RTTNHS Su-ay ext., we conclude that the system is technically feasible because all the technical aspects of the system are already available presented to the organization throughout the research.

Social and Operational Feasibility

The AMS RTTNHS Su-ay ext. is social and operational feasible because the system is designed as a user-friendly system and accordance to the client’s needs for the effectiveness of the operation and process of delivering the desired output needed by the client.

Economic Feasibility

The proposed system being developed is economic with respect to the school’s point of view. It costs effective in the sense that it has eliminated the paperwork completely.

The system is also time effective because the calculations are automated which are made at the end of the month or as per the user requirement. The result obtained contains minimum errors and is highly accurate as the data is required.


Congratulations! You have completed the last chapter of Attendance Monitoring System Thesis!

Now that you have read through the sample proposed solution of the attendance monitoring system, you are now ready to finish your Attendance Monitoring System Thesis.

This attendance monitoring system documentation chapter 5 is free to modify. Surely, this guide will help you finish your own attendance monitoring system documentation.

Here is the complete outline of the Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Documentation guide:

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