Pharmacy Management System Free Bootstrap Template Source code
Pharmacies are established to contribute to health improvement and help patients with health problems make the best use of their medicines.
People heavily rely on pharmacies to buy drugs or medicines for medication.
Pharmacies need to be managed efficiently, for it involves various activities from working the medicines up to the sales of the store.
Nowadays, although some pharmacies are using a computer for their operation, it is still inadequate. They need an innovative centralized platform to streamline the daily processes of the pharmacy.
The capstone project, entitled “Pharmacy Management System,” is an innovative system that allows pharmacies to keep track of their sales and other management areas of the store.
It is an all-in-one platform that keeps records of the pharmacy, medicines, staff, and especially sales. The project’s target users are pharmacies, specifically pharmacy administrators and cashiers.
The researchers will develop the project according to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique.
The project will go through a series of testing, checking, and evaluations to ensure the smooth functionality it can render to the end-users.
Technological innovations have increased the operational efficiency of every business by automation.
Integrating the usage of innovative systems in a business operation will help manage a business efficiently and provide optimum satisfaction to the customers.
The capstone project, entitled “Pharmacy Management System with Sales Forecasting,” is designed to automate pharmacy management processes.
It is an innovative system that will allow pharmacies to automate records management of medicines, staff, customers, and sales and reports management.
Pharmacy is a medical store that sells medicines for clients with health problems. Running a pharmacy requires efficient management due to various complex activities.
The pharmacy’s assigned personnel would need to record and manage medicines, staff, and customers accurately. The team would need to accurately register detailed prescriptions to ensure that patients receive proper treatment.
As a store also, it is important for pharmacies to keep track of their sales; however, cashiers without using a centralized platform would face a severe challenge of keeping daily records of sales and generating reports.
There is an evident need for an innovative system that pharmacies can use for records and sales management.
Proposed Solution
In conjunction with the concerns mentioned earlier, the study’s researchers proposed the development of the automated Pharmacy Management System with Sales Forecasting.
The proposed system would provide the pharmacy with a centralized platform that will streamline records and sales management.
The staff can use the system to record information of medicines, staff, and customers electronically. The cashier also can electronically track and generate reports about the sales of the pharmacy.
The proposed capstone system will increase the operational efficiency of the pharmacy and the overall customer experience.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the goal of the researchers is to implement a Pharmacy Management System that will streamline management activities in a pharmacy.
Specifically, the researchers aim to:
1. To allow staff to electronically record medicine, staff, and customer information.
2. To allow electronic recording of sales and generating of daily and monthly sales reports.
3. To reduce manual workloads of staff.
4. To increase business efficiency and overall customer experience.
5. To subject the output of the project to an evaluation in terms of user acceptability, efficacy, productivity, quality, and reliability.
Scope of the Study
The researchers concentrate on developing a system that will streamline various management activities in a pharmacy.
The system is limited only to pharmacies used; the researchers will design according to the needs of the pharmacies.
The system is primarily for records and sales management automation. The researchers will select a sample size of pharmacy staff and customers to participate as respondents of the study/project.
Significance of the Study
The success of the capstone project is deemed beneficial to the following:
Pharmacies. The project’s success will help them as a business and as a contributor to life development by helping those with health problems. The system will increase their business efficiency and the satisfaction of their customers.
Pharmacy Staffs. The system will reduce their manual workloads and will ease up their job. The system will allow them to automate the process of recording and management.
Customers. As recipients of the pharmacy’s services, they will be optimum satisfaction with the services rendered by pharmacies with the automated management system.
Researchers. Their experience in conducting the research will further mold their skills and knowledge as researchers.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their basis for creating updates for the system or developing their version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Pharmacy Management System,” is an automated system that will streamline records and sales management.
It will allow electronic recording of medicines, staff, and customers’ information and sales management and sales reports generation.
This blog post will provide you with an idea of the forms to be included in a Pharmacy Management System.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The project entitled “Pharmacy Management System” is a database-driven system that manages the records and transactions of the pharmacy.
The said system helps smoothen and improvise the operation and service workflow like in a pharmacy.
Advantages of the Pharmacy Management System can be classified into the following:
1. Easy Navigation of the business process – records management, billing transaction, and report generation is much easier to process
2. Records Management is a database system that makes the records electronic, safe, reliable, and fast.
3. Report Generation – the system can provide real-time reports on billing expenses.
How the System Works?
This part of the content will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the Pharmacy Management System. The researchers will showcase the features and how the system works.
Login Form – this form allows the users to access the system. The users will input the correct combination of their username and password to log in to the system.
The image shown below is the form design of the system’s Login Form.

Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the main page of the system administrator. The dashboard displays significant records that the admin can access and manage in the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of medicines
- Number of suppliers
- Number of cashiers
- Top 10 selling items
- Item name
- Quantity
- Price
- Total
Shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Medicine Category – this module allows the admin to manage the medicine categories in the pharmacy. The admin can add, edit, update or delete medicine categories.
The admin will input the following details:
- Category name
- Description
The image shown below is the design of the Medicine Category module.

Supplier Information – this form will let the system administrator manage the pharmacy’s supplier information. The admin can add, update or delete supplier information.
The admin will encode the following supplier information:
- Supplier name
- Contact number
- Complete Address
Shown below is the design of the Supplier Information form.

Cashier Information – the admin will manage the pharmacy’s cashier information.
The admin account will enter the following information of the cashier into the system:
- Full name
- Contact
- Username
- Password
- Account status – active, inactive
The image displayed below is the layout of the Cashier Information form.

Medicine Information – this form will allow encoding and management of the medicines’ information in the system.
The following information of the medicines will be encoded in the system:
- Medicine Code – system generated
- Category – combo box
- Supplier – combo box
- Medicine Name
- Description
- Generic Name
- Purchase Price
- Retail Price
- Quantity
- Unit – pcs, box
- Upload image
- Expiry Date
below is the design of the Medicine Information form.
Sales Information – this module will display the sales information of the pharmacy using a table only.
The following details of the sales are displayed:
- Sales No
- Date
- Total Amount
- Cashier
- View Details button
The image below is the design of the Sales Information module.

Sales Details – this form will allow encoding of the Sales Details.
The admin will enter the following information of the sales:
- Medicine name
- Quantity
- Price
- Total Amount
Shown below is the design of the Sales Details form.

Company Settings – this page will allow management of the company’s settings.
The admin will manage the following details of the company:
- Company name
- Address
- Contact number
- Logo
The screenshot displayed below is the design of the Company Settings.

Sales Report – this page displays the monthly sales report of the pharmacy. The information is presented using a table and graph.
Below is the image of the Sales Report page design.

Cashier Account
Cashier Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the home page of the pharmacy’s cashier when logged in to the system. The dashboard displays significant records that the cashier manages.
The dashboard mainly displays the following records:
- Number of sales
- Total Sales Amount
The user interface below is the design of the Cashier’s Dashboard.

Sales Module – this module allows the admin to manage the sales details of the pharmacy.
Shown below is the image of how the Sales Module would look like.

Daily Sales Information – this form will display the daily sales information of the pharmacy.
The admin or encoder will input the following daily sales information:
- Medicine name
- Quantity
- Price
- Total Amount
The image below is the design of the Daily Sales Information form.

My Profile – this form will allow the management of users’ profiles in the system.
The following pieces of information are encoded for the Profile:
- Full name
- Contact
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the My Profile form.

Downloadable Source Code
Business management automation has become popular with the advent of technology.
Researchers conducted this study to develop another innovative system that will automate the management operation of the pharmacies.
The researchers developed a pharmacy management system and presented it to the target end-users. The results of the capstone project showed that the output system met the needs and requirements of the intended users and respondents.
Hence, the researchers found that the system is an effective platform for pharmacy management automation.
It will allow pharmacies to automate recording and management processes. It will give the pharmacies a competitive edge in the tough competition in the market.
The respondents rated the system satisfactorily; thus, the researchers strongly recommend the implementation of the system.
The researchers suggest the system for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the intended users.
The researchers also highlight the importance of knowing how to operate the system for the end-users to use it properly.
The researchers recommend that pharmacies should install the system to automate their various management activities.
The staff is also instructed to know how the system functions to use it properly.
The system will make pharmacy management easier, convenient, and efficient.
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How to use this code?
Login details
Will you please tell me login details and how to use this code?
This is the template only of the system and there is no database