NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5
This NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 concludes the summary of the research presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted.
Summary of Findings
Generally, the developed application helps the user on how to find nearest Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application that evaluated as 4.12 interpreted as good, which means that the application is informative and effective to the users.
The application has functionality, which evaluated as 4.14 interpreted as good which means the application has function will. The application has reliability, which evaluated as 4.1 interpreted as good which means the user like the consistency of the application.
The application has usability, which evaluated as 3.9, interpreted as good which means that the application has its positive usability output to the users. The application has efficiency, which means that the application has effectiveness towards the user.
The application has maintainability, which evaluated as 4.1, interpreted as good which means that the application has maintained its development. The application has portability, which evaluated as 4.28, interpreted as good which means that the application is transferrable in any android devices.
The following conclusions derived from the results of the study:
Thus, in terms of the functionality, the user can familiar the Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application in terms of the information that suitable to the application has consistency to use the in different version of android.
The efficiency of the application provides competence to the application in the process and progress of the application. The maintainability of the application sustained its function every time the developers have changes in the application and the portability of the application has its compactness in using the application.
In terms of the expert’s results, the proponents conclude that the application meet the expectations of the expert people when it comes to their criteria as a professional person.
The following recommendation was deriving from the results of the study and its conclusions.
The users can install in any of their android devices with the specified scope and limitations. Other developer can enhance the application.
Some can redevelop that can be upgrade. They can update the application by adding some features on Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application.
The users can install in any of their android devices with the specified scope and limitations. Other developer can enhance the application. Some can redevelop that can be upgrade.
They can update the application by adding some features on Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application.
NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 : Internet References
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[3].Linog, Diliman Interactive Learning Center MarkAngelo. Yadao and Peter A. Sy, May 29, 2014 Retrieved From
[4]. Philippine’s Manila Office Map, Offline Guide Net Peter,Tiangco and Jeffrey Quodala Retrieved From
[5].MOBILE AUTOMATED-HAND CAR WASH (Brad Pollack, E. Brunswick, NJ (US), Apr.28, 2008) Retrieved From
[6].Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) Tracking Based on CSIS Environment (Bob G. McCulloughand Michelle leung, November09,2012) Retrieved From
[7].Automated IRAN Carwash Locator with GPS (John Smith, October 102013) Retrieved From
[8].NYC Subway Map Gotham Wave (Reka Kamoli, February 2, 2015) Retrieved From
[9].Mobile Banking adoption and benefits towards customers services (Sunil Kumar Mishra and Durga Prasad Sahoo, 2013) Retrieved From
NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX A) Relevant Source Code
Home Page
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim userid,usertype,usersignup,ctype,homeid,listid,notifID,FavoriteVN,FAvoriteCID,InfoPID As String
‘ Dim Link As String = “”
‘ Dim IMGLink As String = “”
Dim Link As String = “”
Dim IMGLink As String = “”
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private j As HttpJob
Private listmap As Map
Private xui As XUI
Private Label2 As Label
Private ActionFind As Panel
Private ActionHome As Panel
Private Label1 As Label
Private Label9 As Label
Private ButtonFav As Button
Private ButtonFind As Button
Private ButtonHome As Button
Private ButtonProfile As Button
Private FavoritePanel As Panel
Private FindPanel As Panel
Private HomePanel As Panel
Private ProfilePanel As Panel
Private ProfLayout As ScrollView
Private ProfLayout As ScrollView
Private PanelProfileLayout As Panel
Private PAddress As EditText
Private PContact As EditText
Private PEmail As EditText
Private PFirstNAme As EditText
Private PLastName As EditText
Private ListFavorite As ListView
Private MenuCust As Panel
Private MenuOwn As Panel
Private MenuMain As Panel
Private PanelCust As Panel
Private PanelMain As Panel
Private PanelOwn As Panel
Private Name As Label
Private SignOut As Label
Private FullName As Label
Private PanelList As Panel
Private PanelOwner As Panel
Private UserClick As Panel
Private Drawer As B4XDrawer
Private ListCLV As CustomListView
Private AddressCarwashOwner As B4XView
Private OwnerCarwash As B4XView
Private StatusCarwashOwner As B4XView
Private TabStripOwner As TabStrip
Private DetailCarwash As B4XView
Private DetailCustomer As B4XView
Private DetailArrival As B4XView
Private ConfirmCLV As CustomListView
Private CancelCLV As CustomListView
Private PendingCLV As CustomListView
Private PanelOwnerDetail As Panel
Private TabStripCustomer As TabStrip
Private CustomerPendingCLV As CustomListView
Private CustomerConfirmCLV As CustomListView
Private CustomerCancelCLV As CustomListView
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Drawer.Initialize(Me, “Drawer”, Activity, 300dip)
‘ If sm.IsInitialized = False Then
‘ sm.Initialize(“sm”)
‘ sm.Menu.LoadLayout(“left”)
‘ sm.BehindOffset = 20%x
‘ sm.Mode = sm.RIGHT
‘ End If
ProfLayout.Panel.Height = PanelProfileLayout.Top + PanelProfileLayout.Height
ListFavorite.TwoLinesLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.Black
ListFavorite.TwoLinesLayout.SecondLabel.TextColor = Colors.Gray
‘ ViewUser
TabStripOwner.LoadLayout(“HomeOwnerTabPending”, ” Pending “)
TabStripOwner.LoadLayout(“HomeOWnerTabConfirm”, ” Confirmed “)
TabStripOwner.LoadLayout(“HomeOwnerTabCancel”, ” Cancelled “)
TabStripCustomer.LoadLayout(“HomeCustomerPending”, ” Pending “)
TabStripCustomer.LoadLayout(“HomeCustomerConfirm”, ” Confirmed “)
TabStripCustomer.LoadLayout(“HomeCustomerCancel”, ” Cancelled “)
End Sub
Sub User
If usertype = “Customer” Then
j.Download2(Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”customer”,”custid”,userid))
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
Else If usertype = “Owner” Then
j.Download2(Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”owner”,”ownerid”,userid))
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End If
End Sub
Sub Favorites
j.Download2(Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”my-favorite”,”id”,userid))
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End Sub
Sub CallSubUse
End Sub
Sub UserPanel
If usertype = “Customer” Then
MenuCust.Visible = True
MenuOwn.Visible = False
MenuMain.Visible = False
PanelCust.Visible = True
PanelMain.Visible = False
Else if usertype = “Owner” Then
MenuOwn.Visible = True
MenuCust.Visible = False
MenuMain.Visible = False
PanelOwn.Visible = True
rows = parser.NextArray
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim MapPid As String
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private j As HttpJob
Private xui As XUI
Private ListView1 As ListView
Private MapFragment1 As MapFragment
Private GoogleMapsExtras1 As GoogleMapsExtras
Private OnInfoWindowClickListener1 As OnInfoWindowClickListener
Private gmap As GoogleMap
Private longitude,latitude As String
Private marker As Marker
Private smap As Map
Private ListView As Label
Private MapView As Label
Private PanelMap As Panel
Private PanelList As Panel
Private PanelPick As Panel
Private GetVehicle As Label
Private MapCustomListView As CustomListView
Private MapPrice As B4XView
Private MapDetail As B4XView
Private MapServiceName As B4XView
Private PanelDetail As Panel
Private DetailCarwashName As Label
Private DetailAddress As Label
Private DetailDayTime As Label
Private PanelFilter As Panel
Private Exterior As CheckBox
Private Interior As CheckBox
Private Disinfection As CheckBox
Private Wash As CheckBox
Private Shine As CheckBox
Private Detailing As CheckBox
Private Tinting As CheckBox
Private Others As CheckBox
Private FilterType,FilterStatus,MapID,VehicleID,CheckFav,CheckFaveID As String
Private LabelFavorite As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Wait For MapFragment1_Ready
gmap = MapFragment1.GetMap
If OnInfoWindowClickListener1.IsInitialized Then
GoogleMapsExtras1.SetOnInfoWindowClickListener(gmap, OnInfoWindowClickListener1)
Log(“OnInfoWindowClickListener1 is not initialized – check that the Activity contains a Click callback Sub”)
End If
If gmap.IsInitialized Then
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result Then
CallSub(Starter, “StartLocationUpdates”)
Log(“No permission!”)
End If
End If
FilterType = “Map”
VehicleID = GetVehicle.Tag
latitude = 10.292560900000002
longitude = 123.02465180000002
ListView1.TwoLinesLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.Black
ListView1.TwoLinesLayout.SecondLabel.TextColor = Colors.Gray
End Sub
‘Sub MapFragment1_Ready
‘ gmap = MapFragment1.GetMap
‘ If OnInfoWindowClickListener1.IsInitialized Then
‘ GoogleMapsExtras1.SetOnInfoWindowClickListener(gmap, OnInfoWindowClickListener1)
‘ Log(“OnInfoWindowClickListener1 is not initialized – check that the Activity contains a Click callback Sub”)
‘ End If
‘End Sub
Public Sub LocationSource_Ready (Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
Dim jo As JavaObject = gmap
jo.RunMethod(“setLocationSource”, Array(Starter.LocationSource))
End If
End Sub
Sub Viewmap(MapVehicle As String)
j.Download2(Home.Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”find-list”,”vehicle”,MapVehicle))
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End Sub
Sub MapFilter
j.Download2(Home.Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”filter”,”vehicle”,VehicleID,”exterior”,Exterior.Tag, _
“interior”,Interior.Tag,”disinfection”,Disinfection.Tag,”wash”,Wash.Tag,”shine”,Shine.Tag, _
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End Sub
Sub Viewlist(ListVehicle As String)
j.Download2(Home.Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”find-list”,”vehicle”,ListVehicle))
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End Sub
Sub ListFilter
j.Download2(Home.Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”filter”,”vehicle”,VehicleID,”exterior”,Exterior.Tag, _
“interior”,Interior.Tag,”disinfection”,Disinfection.Tag,”wash”,Wash.Tag,”shine”,Shine.Tag, _
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End Sub
Sub Detail(Id As String)
j.Download2(Home.Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”find-list-id”,”id”,Id))
ProgressDialogShow2(“Please wait…”,False)
End Sub
Sub PackageList
j.Download2(Home.Link, _
Array As String(“action”,”package”,”vehicle”,VehicleID,”id”,MapID))
End Sub
NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX B)
Below are the different quality characteristics of the project, kindly mark check(/) the box that closely represents the evaluation of the software developed by the researchers following the criterion based on ISO/IEC 25022.
Table 37. Criteria

Table 37shows the evaluation criteria.
Table ISO Survey Form

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX C)

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX D)

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX E)
Users Guide
I. Instruction
The user’s guide possesses all essential information that user needs to use the Negros Occidental Carwash Locator application.
II. Installment
- The device must 510 MB with minimum of 100 MB free space.
- Device must have at least 2.GB or higher of RAM.
- The device must be running on Android version of 8.1.1 or higher.
- Must have internet connection to download the application.
Using Android Device
- Download the APK file of Negros Occidental Carwash Locator.
- Tap the download / install button and wait for the download to finish.
- Follow the instruction to install and wait until finishing installing.
III. Getting Started

The figure 15 shows the loading screen the search page will appear or display.

Figure 16. Once the user reach the Search Page, they can tap the menu bar above or direct to click the Negros Occidental Carwash Locator search button.

Figure 17. If the user or Owner choose to tap the menu bar in the right side it will display the list of menu like, Sign in, Sign up.

Figure 18. If the user or Owner choose to tap the Sign in Button it will display the Log in form, where the user can Log in or can create new account.

Figure 19. If the user or Owner choose to tap the Sign up Button it will display the create account form, where the user can create their new account either they Negros Occidental Carwash Locator -owner or User.

Figure 16.If the user or owner choose to tap the Search Button it will display the page of the whole Negros Occidental map and location of each Negros Occidental Negros Occidental.

If the user or owner choose to tap the Filter Button it will display the page of all option on how the user can find easily about each Negros Occidental Carwash Locator.

If the user or owner choose to tap the List View Button it will display the page of all List and information about of each Negros Occidental Carwash Locator.
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