Enrollment System Thesis Chapter 1
The enrollment system thesis chapter 1 will cover all the detailed information about the whole study, this will contain the Project Context, Purpose and Description of the Study, General and Specific Objectives, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitation of the study, and Definition of Terms.
How to Create Enrollment System Thesis Chapter 1?
Steps to create Enrollment System System Thesis Chapter 1
- Step 1: Create a project Context.
The project context, provide a statement that shows the relationship among the rationale of the study to the proposed research problem.
- Step 2: Then create the Purpose and Description of the Study.
In this step, you have to state what is the proponent’s purpose and description of the study.
- Step 3: Next, create the Objectives of the study.
General objectives can be broken into smaller parts to form specific objectives. Most of all, specific objectives give a clearer vision of what the study is trying to achieve.
- Step 4: Then, Create the Scope and Limitation
The scope explains the nature, coverage and time frame of the study.
The limitation, on the other hand, explains all that is NOT included in your project. - Step 5: Next, Create a Significance of the Study
Describes the contributions of the study as new knowledge and makes findings more conclusive. Also, it cites the usefulness of the study to certain groups. Then, cite all the persons and groups that would benefit from the study. Of course, the researchers should include themselves.
- Step 6: Finally, Create a Definition of Terms
The definition of terms gives definition to the major terms that are relevant to your study. Lastly, the definition can either be connotative or denotative in relation to the study only.
Project Context
Major business breakthroughs that shift the Information Technology (IT) industry landscape are built on great technology innovations. Smart technologies come up with technical inventions, which have high potential to become a mainstream consumable product or service.
Then this new product or service goes through a market maturity journey, where the concept moves from idea to sustainable business that adoption and fitness determine the success.
During this journey, there are inflection points where original business ideas and services emerge from the original technical idea. Some of these inventions are core inventions, which lead to many original business ideas. These ideas are then developed into not only new businesses but the industry as a whole.
Enrollment is an exciting day for every student in every school. It is the most expected activity after the summer vacation. But contrary to the expectations of the student enrollees has posed problems and inconveniences because it has become tedious and time-consuming.
Other students tend to give the task to their parents and other members of the family to enroll them. The unsystematic procedure if school during enrollment is now a major dilemma.
The plebian scenario during the enrollment period is students usually stand for more or less than an hour and worst if they are obliged to come back the next day to be officially enrolled.
All these have posed a problem that alarmed the researchers and decided to pursue and resolves the enrollment problem by designing and execute a system of enrollment which would cater to smooth and less problematic flow of enrollment in Ilog Catholic High School.
Computerization is a control system that manages processes in an industrial workplace. It decreases human errors and processes time, thus it can boost productivity and resulted in high quality if produced products. In Information System, computerization is concerned about interrelating processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system.
This study aims to assist Ilog Catholic High School to have a much better Enrollment System compare to their usual enrollment process. The proponents would make an interface of the system to the administrators of Ilog Catholic High School; it would also help the administration for the basic facts in using the system.
Purpose and Description of the Study
The purpose of the computerized enrollment system is to provide the students with quality services in processing enrollment. This project aims to provide good and organize the process of enrollment to the students by computerizing the whole function.
The system also provides features to manage the information of students, staff, and creates a schedule for subjects, and also generates reports from enrollment details.
The main objective of the study is to replace the manual process of enrollment of the said school to have an organized flow of transactions and easy work. The system will make the work faster, easier and more comprehensive. This system is generally for registration and enrollment of students.
Specific Objectives
- To reduce the manpower needed to facilitate an enrollment process.
- To record the student’s information for enrollment.
- To keep information about student’s tracks to send important messages.
- To have more secure storage of databases.
- To generate and print reports from the enrollment details and student information review.
Scope and Limitations
The proposed Computerized Enrollment System is created and developed for Ilog Catholic High School. It is used for registration and enrollment. The system can manage the information of the students, staff, and teachers.
The system can also search all records of the students enrolled in the institution according to the grade level. The system also generates reports from enrollment details and reviews of student’s information. The system can also add subjects for every grade level.
The system can also create schedules for the students for the school year. The system will be hosted locally by the staff to avoid security threats, slow process, and to make the system faster compare to hosting it online.
The limitation of this system is only to register and enroll students who will be enrolled in the institution. The system does not have account transactions to be paid by the students because it only focuses on registration and enrollment of the students.
Significance of the Study
The study is significant to the following:
Administration. The main beneficiary of the study is Ilog Catholic High School that will be adopting the innovation of technology through computers that will make the work with optimum performance.
Registrar. Concerning the registrar’s office, the proposed system will help them in maintaining the data of the students and the institution will not use the manual data gathering. The staff needs to check the database for the records needed.
Students and Parents The proposed system will able to minimize the time and effort that it takes to process student’s enrollment. It is beneficial also because it will reduce the time to be consumed by the students and parents during enrollment.
Future Researchers The system will benefit the future researcher/s as a guide or reference in their own efforts at any research proposal or project.
Definitions of Terms
For clarity and understanding, the keywords that we used in this study are defined as follows:
Computerization. It is a system that makes the manual process of enrollment of Ilog Catholic High School to be computerized and upgraded.
Computerized Enrollment System. a system created by Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. It is a computer-based system that will be used as a replacement if the manual process of enrollment of Ilog Catholic High School.
Database . is a type of storage wherein all the information of the students, staff, teachers are saved this will be secured to avoid hacking.
Enrollment. enrollment is a process in which students will register his/her information and will be recorded to the staff. The staff will be the ones also that will enroll the student.
Enrollment System . is a system in which the manual process of enrollment of Ilog Catholic High School will be computerized to minimize the time of the students and staff to manage an enrollment process.
Hardware. these are tools used in performing the Computerized Enrollment System on the computer.
Ilog Catholic High School. Ilog Catholic High School is a Catholic school located at Brgy. 1, Ilog , Negros Occidental. This is where the proposed system will be implemented.
MySQL. MySQL is a server type in which databases/storage of all records is managed. It can also manage the information about the objects that are being used during enrollment.
Reports. reports are generated and printed by the staff It contains information on enrollment, student’s information review, and printed schedule of subjects for the whole school year. Software . programs that run on a computer and perform the functions in the whole enrollment process.
In this article, you have learn what is the enrollment system thesis chapter1 and How to create Enrollment system thesis chapter 1 with an example document of an enrollment system for thesis.
Note: This is only Chapter 1 of Enrollment System Thesis. Just wait for the following chapters. It will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, see the related article below.
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The enrollment system thesis chapter 1 will cover all the detailed information about the whole study, this will contain the Project Context, Purpose and Description of the Study, General and Specific Objectives, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitation of the study, and Definition of Terms.
Steps to create Enrollment System System Thesis Chapter 1, Step 1: Create a project Context. Step 2: Then create the Purpose and Description of the Study. Step 3: Next, create the Objectives of the study. Step 4: Then, Create the Scope and Limitation, Step 5: Next, Create a Significance of the Study. Step 6: Finally, Create a Definition of Terms
Thank you for this documents it really helps me. But anyways, can I have the references?
Thank you
Thank you , but may I have a references too?