Understanding the getInfo() method in JavaScript: Beginners Guide

In this article, we will delve into understanding the getinfo () method in JavaScript.

We know that JavaScript has a wide range of methods and functions to help developers manipulate and extract data from different sources.

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge, this guide is designed to help you grasp the basics of getInfo().

Unlock the true potential of the getInfo () method in JavaScript with our comprehensive beginner’s guide.

What is getInfo () Javascript?

The getInfo() method is not a standard part of JavaScript. It could be a specific method created by a developer for their code.

However, in the Web Serial API, there is a getInfo() method in the SerialPort interface.

This method gives back an object that has properties showing the vendor ID and product ID of a device.






Web Serial API

Return value

An object that holds the following values.


If the port belongs to a USB device, it will have an unsigned short integer that represents the vendor of the USB device. Otherwise, it will be undefined.


If the port belongs to a USB device, it will have a number that identifies the USB device. Otherwise, it will be undefined.

Browser compatibility

✅ Chrome
✅ Edge
✅ Opera

How to use the getinfo() method in JavaScript?

Here’s an example of how you can use the getInfo() method in JavaScript:

const port = await navigator.serial.requestPort();
const info = port.getInfo();

This code requests access to a serial port, then calls the getInfo() method on the SerialPort object to get information about the device.

The usbVendorId and usbProductId properties of the returned object contain the vendor ID and product ID of the device, respectively.


In conclusion, this article discussed the getInfo() method in JavaScript, specifically within the context of the Web Serial API.

It provided an overview of the method, explaining that it is not a standard part of JavaScript but can be created by developers for their code.

This article highlighted that the getInfo() method in the Web Serial API returns an object containing the vendor ID and product ID of a USB device, if applicable.

It also provided the syntax, parameters, and return value of the method, along with information about browser compatibility.

Additionally, the article included a code example demonstrating how to use the getInfo() method to retrieve device information.

By understanding and utilizing the getInfo() method, developers can effectively manipulate and extract data from different sources in JavaScript, thereby enhancing their programming capabilities.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand the getInfo JavaScript.

You can also check out the following article:

Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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