How to Generate Random Numbers in VB.Net

This Tutorial is all about How to Generate Random Numbers in VB.Net. In this tutorial you will learn about How to Generate Random Numbers in VB.Net So lets get Started:

  • First is open the Visual Basic, Select File on the menu, then click New and create a new project.

  • Then a New Project Dialog will appear. You can rename your project, depending on what you like to name it. After that click OK

  • Design your form like this just like what I’ve shown you below.
    Add a Button, Textbox and Label.
  • Add this code to the Button.
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim number As IntegerRandomize()
    ‘You can change the limit the number.
    number = Int(Rnd() * 1000) + 1TextBox1.Text = number
    End Sub


  • Finally Click F5 to run the Program.



If you have any comments or suggestion about on How to Generate Random Numbers in VB.Net, Please Feel Free to contact our webpage.
Download How to Generate Random Numbers in VB.Net Code Here
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3 thoughts on “How to Generate Random Numbers in VB.Net”

  1. sir what about auto generate for id for example one employee register and his id is 02110901
    then one employee registered again so his ID must 0211902 to avoid duplication PLease Help Sir Thank You

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