Difference Between Conditional and Logical Operators in VB.NET

Difference Between Conditional and Logical Operators in VB.NET

This article will simply discuss the Difference between conditional and logical operators in VB.Net with examples.

Let’s Start!

Conditional Operators in VB.Net

What are conditional operators? Conditional Operators refine the statement you’re testing for. For instance,  you can specify the statement whether it’s greater than, less than, and a whole lot more.

The following are the list of Operators:

  • >
  • <
  • =
  • <=
  • =>
  •  <>


Dim x As integer = 4
Dim y As integer = 10
If x = y Then
msgBox (x & " is equal to " & y)

msgBox (x & " is not equal to " & y)
End If

Logical Operators

Logical operators are similar to Boolean expressions that return a boolean result. These And, Or, AndAlso, OrElse, and Xor operators are called binary because they acquire two operands.

But there is one operator that is not binary and it is called unary that takes a single operand, an example of it is the Not operator.

Binary Operators

It performs logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions. For instance, if the expression is true and false the results are False if the expression is true and true the results are True and if the expression is false or true the results is True.


Dim name As String = "Kenjie"
Dim age As Integer = 12
If name = "Kenjie" And age = 12 Then
'the statements return True
End If
If name = "Kenjie" Or age = 13 Then
'the statements return True
End If
If name = "Kenjie" And age = 13 Then
'the statements return False
End If

Unary Operators

It performs logical negation on a Boolean expression. For instance, if the expression is true then results are true and if the expression is false the results are False


Dim name As String = "Kenjie"
Dim age As Integer = 12
If Not name = "Kenjie" Then
'the statements return False
End If

If Not age = 13 Then
'the statements return True
End If


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Difference between conditional and logical operators in VB.Net please feel free to leave a comment below.

These operators in vb.net can be used to integrate later on when you use different loops in vb.net.

For a more detailed discussion about the different operators in vb.net, you may visit this article VB.NET Operators.

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