This computerized point of sales and inventory system documentation chapter 5 is the fifth part of the full point of sales and inventory system thesis documentation.
Chapter 5 of point of sales and inventory system documentation will focus on the following area.
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Chapter 5 outline
- Proposed Solution
Title and a brief description of the proposed solution
- Scope of Solution
- Concept of operation
- Use Case Description
- Data Dictionary
- Class Diagram
- Entity Relationship Diagram
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Technical Feasibility
- Social and operational feasibility
- Economic feasibility
Proposed Solution
Upon analyzing the problem gathered in TH Garments Center, the proponents came up with the solution to the problem of the establishment which is thru the use of the computerized system that will help the company to minimize the slow processing of orders and automatically generates reports.
Title and a brief description of the proposed solution
The proposed system entitled as TH Garments Center Computerized Sales and Inventory System which developed to make the manual system change to the computerized system in order to make their work more efficient and reliable for the processing of their transaction.
Scope of the solution
The proposed solution focuses only on how to manage the transaction adding products, updating records, managing staff information and generating a report for sales records that covered all the transaction for sales and inventory.
Concept of operation
The TH Garments Center Sales and Inventory System starts with the admin manager when the registered admin manager activated the system he can now manage the system to add other users such as staff and cashier.
If the customers wanted to buy a product, the staff can use the system to save the record of the products purchased from the customers after which the staff will save the record. The staff gives the records to the cashier to process the sales.
After the process, the cashier would generate a receipt to be given to the customer. The manager will check the inventory records if there are products needed to stock in or stock out.
If the manager noticed that there are out-of-stock products, the manager will order products to the supplier to be saved to stock in item records.

Figure 4: Use Case Diagram of TH Garment Sales and Inventory System
Use Case Description
Table 1: Order
Use case name: | Order |
Description: | The customer purchased the product to the employee for his/her personal need. |
Pre-Condition | The product should be available. The customer must request to purchase the order to the sales clerk. The customer must pay to the cashier before he/she gets the product. |
Post-Condition: | Customer will pay the product and receive a receipt. |
Alternative Flow: | The customer cancels the product that he/she purchased. |
Exception Flow: | The Product is not available. |
Table 2: Apply Payment
Use case name: | Apply for Payment |
Description: | The customer pays the ordered product. |
Pre-Condition: | The sales clerk will distribute the purchased product to the customer. |
Post-Condition: | The cashier must issue official receipt/sales invoice to the Customer. |
Alternative Flow: | The customer cancels to purchase the product. |
Exception Flow: | The Product has damage. |
Table 3: Invoice Receipt/s
Use case name: | Invoice Receipt/s |
Description: | The cashier issued official receipt/sales invoice to the customer. |
Pre-Condition: | The customer can get his/her purchased product. |
Post-Condition: | The product that the customer purchased will be recorded to the Sales and inventory report. |
Alternative Flow: | |
Exception Flow: |
Table 4: Conduct sales and inventory report
Use case name: | Conduct sales and inventory report. |
Description: | The cashier conducts sales and inventory report. |
Pre-Condition: | The cashier report must be authorized by the manager. |
Post-Condition: | The manager sees the records of the point sales and inventory report. |
Alternative Flow: | |
Exception Flow: |
Table 5: Order Supplies
Use case name: | Order Supplies. |
Description: | The company order supplies. |
Pre-Condition: | The product should be available. The company’s management should fill up an ordered form. |
Post-Condition: | The company must pay the product that they ordered from the Supplier. |
Alternative Flow: | The supplier cancels the transaction. |
Exception Flow: | The product that the company ordered is not available or not Sufficient. |
Table 6: Payment
Use case name: | Payment |
Description: | The payment of the ordered supplies. |
Pre-Condition: | The company should pay the ordered product. |
Post-Condition: | The company must pay the product that they ordered from the Supplier. |
Alternative Flow: | |
Exception Flow: |
Table 7: Delivery Product
Use case name: | Delivery Product |
Description: | The delivery of the product by the supplier to the company. |
Pre-Condition: | The supplier delivered the product. |
Post-Condition: | The company checks the product that they ordered. The must record the product ordered in their inventory. |
Alternative Flow: | The supplier should change the damaged product. |
Exception Flow: | The product that the supplier delivers has damage. |
Table 8: Sales Report
Use case name: | Sales Report |
Description: | Show the report of the entire item to be sold. |
Pre-Condition: | 1. The sales clerk manage the report to manager 2. If there a problem manager will ask the sales clerk. |
Post-Condition: | The manager will check all the report. |
Alternative Flow: | Sale report will save all the data to the database. |
Exception Flow: | Sale clerk should submit a complete report to the manager of all sold item. |

This figure 5 is the Data flow diagram of the TH Garments Center that shows the diagram of two process system. One is the sales system and the other one is the inventory system.
The first entity is the customer, who will order the product to the sales system and at the same time apply the payment. Next entity is the employee, who will verify the product if it is available or not, and then the one who will conduct an inventory to an inventory system.
The third entity is the manager, the one who checks the conducted inventory from the inventory system. And the last entity is the supplier, who will deliver the products to the company. After accomplishing these steps and receiving the receipts, the customer can take the product.
Data Dictionary
The table below shows the list of databases of TH Garment. It shows the attributes, descriptions and data types that are included in the database.
TABLE 9: tblCustomer
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
CusID(pk) | Customer ID | Int | 11 |
Fname | First Name | Varchar | 30 |
Lname | Last Name | Varchar | 30 |
Address | Address | Varchar | 30 |
Contact No. | Contact No. | Int | 30 |
TABLE 10: tblProduct
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
ProdID(pk) | Product ID | Int | 11 |
ProdName | Product Name | Varchar | 30 |
ProdDescrip | Product Description | Varchar | 30 |
ProdPrice | Product Price | Int | 30 |
ProdQuant | Product Quantity | Int | 30 |
ProdIn | Product In | Int | 30 |
ProdOut | Product Out | Int | 30 |
TABLE 11:tblStaffClerk
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
StaffID(pk) | Staff ID | Int | 11 |
Fname | First Name | Varchar | 30 |
Lname | Last Name | Varchar | 30 |
DoB | Date of Birth | Int | 30 |
Gender | Gender | Varchar | 30 |
Address | Address | Varchar | 30 |
Contact No. | Contact No. | Int | 30 |
TABLE 12: tblCashier
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
Fname | First Name | Varchar | 30 |
Lname | Last Name | Varchar | 30 |
Age | Age | Int | 30 |
Varchar | 30 | ||
Address | Address | Varchar | 30 |
TABLE 13: tblSupplier
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
SuppID(pk) | Supplier ID | Int | 11 |
CompName | Company Name | Varchar | 30 |
Varchar | 30 | ||
Contact No. | Contact No. | Int | 30 |
TABLE 14: tblInventory
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
ProdID(pk) | Product ID | Int | 11 |
SuppID(fk) | Supplier ID | Int | 11 |
ProdName | Product Name | Varchar | 30 |
Stock In | Stock In | Int | 30 |
Stock Out | Stock Out | Int | 30 |
Stock Rec | Stock Record | Int | 30 |
TABLE 15:tblManager
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
Fname | First Name | Varchar | 30 |
Lname | Last Name | Varchar | 30 |
ClerkAtten | Clerk Attendance | Varchar | 30 |
SalesRep | Sales Report | Varchar | 30 |
Inventory | Inventory | Varchar | 30 |
Manage Stock | Manage Stock | Varchar | 30 |
UpdStock | Update Stock | Varchar | 30 |
AddNItem | Add New Item | Varchar | 30 |
DelItem | Delete Item | Varchar | 30 |
TH Garments Center sales & Inventory System

Entity Relationship Diagram
TH Garments Center Sales & Inventory System

The advantage of computerized sales and inventory is to make the process fast and accurate in the recording of sales and inventory. This makes effective and efficient sales and inventory system that can properly monitor the flow of the products from the sales and inventory.
For a small business with few products, such management can be done manually, however as the size of business increases and the list of products grows. It becomes big and uneasy to track the goods of sales and inventory.
That is why researchers mend to develop and make a computerized point of sale and inventory system solution that could efficiently handle the responsibility of sales and inventory system.
Sales and inventory system is sometimes at a high price, and the price usually the issue for any system, but this system is not much expensive. Sales and inventory make business easier.
Understanding the basic can be difficult and time-consuming and at the same time if you aren’t getting the total grip of a computer. The company that sells it to you could also conduct an exercise session with your request.
Technical Feasibility
The system that will develop need users to have knowledge in using a computer, fortunately, the employees of TH garments are familiar with how to use computers.
The owner is a computer literate they don’t have computer in their business and is just planning to provide one for the system that will match the minimum software and hardware requirements.
Social and operational feasibility
The system that will be developed will solve the problem that the company encounters. The necessary solution is applied so that the user will be more at ease in their day to day operations.
The demanding tasks that are efficient time consuming are minimized and lessen by applying an efficient method with the use of the system. Security and measure are applied in the system.
Economic feasibility
Economically performance was observed through project feasibility in advance trial and error of the material used like rental or buy to own the machinery. The proponents officially saved more manpower and material used in performing the project cost and saving.
This computerized point of sales and inventory system document is only a student project. You can get the idea here to develop your thesis in computerized sales and inventory system documentation.
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