17 – Difference Between $ and $$ in PHP
This tutorial will focus on the difference between $ and $$ PHP To start with, let’s review first what is PHP Variables.
PHP Variable plays a vital role in PHP programming. It allows you to store information in computer memory.
To declare a PHP variable, it starts with a dollar sign($) like as shown in the syntax below
PHP Variable Syntax:
<?php $variableName = "value"; ?>
$$ Meaning in PHP (Double Dollar Variable)
The PHP $$ (double dollar) variable is a reference variable that stores the value which is accessible by using $ Symbol(Single Dollar) variable value
They call it sometimes as a variable variable name. Wherein the variable name can be set and used dynamically.
Below examples illustrate the use of $ and $$ in PHP
<?php $myvar = "PHP"; echo $myvar; ?>
[su_box title=”Output Will Be:” radius=”7″ ]PHP[/su_box]
Here’s the $$ in PHP Example
<?php $myvar = "PHP"; $myvar = "Programming!"; echo $myvar. '<br/> '; echo $myvar. '<br/> '; echo $PHP. '<br/> '; ?>
[su_box title=”Output Will Be:” radius=”7″ ]
Another Complex Example of $$ in PHP
<?php $myvar = "PHP"; ${$myvar}="Programming"; ${${$myvar}}="Is Fun!"; echo $myvar . "<br/>"; echo $PHP . "<br/>"; echo $Programming . "<br/>"; echo ${${$myvar}}. "<br/>"; ?>
[su_box title=”Output Will Be:” radius=”7″ ]
Is Fun!
Is Fun!
We will discuss what we have in the above code using PHP Double dollar and Dollar Variables
- First, we declare and initialize the variable.
- Then, reference the variable
- Next, we use the double reference variable
- Finally, we display the value of the variable.
- Lastly, we display a double reference.
If you have any questions about the $$ in PHP example, please feel to contact us or simply leave a comment below.