Club Management System In C++ With Source Code
The Club Management System In C++ With Source Code is developed using C++ programming language. This project is capable of maintaining and handling a list of all participants.
This simple club management system in c++ open source was built in a console windowed program, and the device is secured by a unique encrypting password, which you must enter.
After logging in, the user may do a variety of things in the system, including adding new members, viewing all current member details, updating current member information, deleting existing members, and creating new events.
Through using this club management system project in c++ , you will ensure the security of all member information while also ensuring effective record management in your current club.
These are the following features of the system
- Add New Members Menu
- Delete Members Menu
- Search Members Menu
- View Members Menu
- Events Menu
- Edit Members Information Menu
Password: admin
Anyway if you want level up your knowledge in programming especially C/C++ Programming Language, try this new article I’ve made for you Best C Projects with Source Code for Beginners Free Download.
To run this Club Management System In C++ Free Download make sure that you have a Code Blocks or any platform of C++ installed in your computer.
Club Management System In C++ With Source Code Steps On How To Run The Project
Time needed: 5 minutes
These are the steps on how to run Club Management System In C++ With Source Code
- Step 1: Download
First, download the source code given below.
- Step 2: Extract file.
Second, after you finished download the source code, extract the zip file.
- Step 3: Open CodeBlocks
Third, open “CodeBlocks IDE”.
- Step 4: Open Project.
Fourth, open file tab and Open File after that open folder ClubSystem then click the “Club Management System.cpp“.
- Step 5: Run Project
Fifth, run the project.
- Step 6: The actual code.
You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.
The Code Given Below is the Actual Code of System
#include<windows.h>m #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<dos.h> #include<time.h> void password(); void mainmenu(void); void addmember(void); void deletemember(void); void searchmember(void); void viewmember(void); void editmember(void); void closeapp(void); void returnfunc(void); void event(void); int t(void); void addevent(void); void vieweevent(void); void deleteevent(void); ///list of global files FILE *fp,*ft,*fs; COORD coord = {0, 0}; int fm; void gotoxy (int x, int y) { coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord); } struct member{ int ID; char name[20]; char add[20]; char dept[20]; int Phone_no; int no; char title[20]; char z[100]; char date[20]; }; struct member stu; int main(){ password(); getch(); return 0; } void mainmenu(){ int choice; system("cls"); gotoxy(5,2); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,3); printf("|====== CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ======|"); gotoxy(5,4); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("------------- MAIN MENU --------------"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("1. Add Members\n"); gotoxy(5,9);printf("2. Delete Members\n"); gotoxy(5,11);printf("3. Search Members\n"); gotoxy(5,13);printf("4. View Members\n"); gotoxy(5,15);printf("5. Event\n"); gotoxy(5,17);printf("6. Edit Members Information\n"); gotoxy(5,19);printf("7. Close application\n"); gotoxy(5,20);printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,21);t(); gotoxy(5,24); printf("Enter Your Choice: "); switch(getch()){ case '1': addmember(); break; case '2': deletemember(); break; case '3': searchmember(); break; case '4': viewmember(); break; case '5': event(); break; case'6': editmember(); case '7':{ system("cls"); gotoxy(16,3); printf("\t CLUB Management System\n"); gotoxy(16,5); printf("\n\n*****************************************************************************"); exit(0); } default:{ gotoxy(20,22);printf("Wrong!!Correct Option"); if (getch()) mainmenu(); } } } void addmember(void){ system("cls"); gotoxy(5,2); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,3); printf("|====== CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ======|"); gotoxy(5,4); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("----------- ADD NEW MEMBER -----------"); int print = 5; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("record_nxt.txt","ab+"); // SetColor(45); if(fp == NULL){ MessageBox(0,"Error in Opening file\nMake sure your file is not write protected","Warning",0); } else { ///fflush(stdin); gotoxy(print,7);printf("Member ID: ");scanf("%d",&stu.ID); //here you can confirms the ID fflush(stdin); gotoxy(print,9);printf("Name: ");gets(; gotoxy(print,11);printf("Address: ");gets(stu.add); gotoxy(print,13);printf("Department name: ");gets(stu.dept); gotoxy(print,15);printf("Phone Number: ");scanf("%d",&stu.Phone_no); ///gotoxy(print,20);printf("Phone Number: ");scanf("%d",&stu.phone_no); fwrite(&stu, sizeof(stu), 1, fp); } fclose(fp); gotoxy(5,17); printf("The record is sucessfully added"); gotoxy(5,18);printf("Save any more Y/N"); if(getch()=='n') mainmenu(); else system("cls"); addmember(); } void deletemember( ){ system("cls"); int d; char another='y'; while(another=='y') { system("cls"); gotoxy(5,2); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,3); printf("|====== CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ======|"); gotoxy(5,4); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("----------- DELETE MEMBER ------------"); gotoxy(5,7); printf("Enter the Member ID:"); scanf("%d",&d); fp=fopen("record_nxt.txt","rb+"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)==1) { if(stu.ID==d) { gotoxy(5,9); printf("Member name is %s",; gotoxy(5,10); fm='Z'; } else{ fm='M'; } } if(fm!='Z') { gotoxy(5,10); printf("No record is found in LIST"); mainmenu(); } if(fm=='Z' ) { gotoxy(5,11); printf("The Member is available"); gotoxy(5,12); printf("Do you want to delete it?(Y/N):"); if(getch()=='y') { ft=fopen("test.txt","wb+"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)==1) { if(stu.ID!=d) { fwrite(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,ft); } } fclose(ft); fclose(fp); remove("record_nxt.txt"); rename("test.txt","record_nxt.txt"); fp=fopen("record_nxt.txt","rb+"); if(fm=='Z') { gotoxy(5,13); printf("The record is sucessfully deleted"); gotoxy(5,14); printf("Delete another record?(Y/N)"); } } else mainmenu(); fflush(stdin); another=getch(); } } gotoxy(5,15); mainmenu(); ///returnfunc(); } void searchmember(void){ system("cls"); int s; gotoxy(5,2); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,3); printf("|====== CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ======|"); gotoxy(5,4); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("------------ SEARCH MEMBER -----------"); gotoxy(5,7); printf("Enter the Member ID to search:"); scanf("%d",&s); fp=fopen("record_nxt.txt","rb+"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)==1) { if(stu.ID==s) { gotoxy(5,9); printf("The Member is available"); gotoxy(5,11); printf("ID: %d",stu.ID); gotoxy(5,12); printf("Name: %s",; gotoxy(5,13); printf("Address: %s",stu.add); gotoxy(5,14); printf("Department name: %s",stu.dept); gotoxy(5,15); printf("Phone No: %d",stu.Phone_no); fm='Z'; } } if(fm!='Z') { gotoxy(5,12); printf("No record is found in LIST"); if(getch()) mainmenu(); } { gotoxy(5,11); printf(""); fclose(fp); returnfunc(); getch(); }} void viewmember(void){ system("cls"); FILE *fp; int i=0,j; system("cls"); gotoxy(5,2); printf("\t\t\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,3); printf("\t\t|====== CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ======|"); gotoxy(5,4); printf("\t\t\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("\t\t------------ MEMBER LIST -------------"); gotoxy(2,7); printf(" MEM_ID MEMBER NAME ADDRESS DEPARTMENT PHONE_NO "); j=9; fp=fopen("record_nxt.txt","rb"); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)==1) { gotoxy(3,j); printf("%d",stu.ID); gotoxy(14,j); printf("%s",; gotoxy(28,j); printf("%s",stu.add); gotoxy(40,j); printf("%s",stu.dept); gotoxy(55,j); printf("%d",stu.Phone_no); gotoxy(69,j); printf("\n\n"); j++; i=i+1; } gotoxy(3,25); printf("Total Members =%d",i); fclose(fp); gotoxy(35,25); returnfunc(); getch(); } void event(void){ system("cls"); int i; gotoxy(20,3); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd EVENT MENU \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(20,5); printf("1. Add Event "); gotoxy(20,7); printf("2. View Event"); gotoxy(20,9); printf("3. Delete Event"); gotoxy(20,11); printf("4. Mainmenu"); gotoxy(20,12);printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(20,15);printf("Enter Your Choice"); switch(getch()){ case '1': addevent(); break; case '2': vieweevent(); break; case '3': deleteevent(); case'4': mainmenu(); default:{ gotoxy(20,22);printf("Wrong!!Correct Option\a"); if (getch()) mainmenu(); } } } void addevent(){ system("cls"); gotoxy(26,2); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd Add Event \xcd\xcd\xcd"); int print = 25; fp = fopen("record.dat","ab+"); if(fp == NULL){ MessageBox(0,"Error in Opening file\nMake sure your file is not write protected","Warning",0); }else{ fflush(stdin); gotoxy(print,5);printf("event date:");gets(; gotoxy(print,6);printf("Event name: ");gets(stu.title); gotoxy(print,7);printf("Details: ");gets(stu.z); fwrite(&stu, sizeof(stu), 1, fp); gotoxy(40,12); printf("The record is sucessfully added"); } fclose(fp); gotoxy(40,13);printf("Save any more Y/N"); if (getch()=='n') mainmenu(); else system("cls"); addevent(); gotoxy(25,20); returnfunc(); getch(); } void deleteevent() { system("cls"); char date[20]; fflush(stdin); printf("\n\n\tDELETE event\n\t==========================\n\tEnter the date to delete:"); gets(date); fp=fopen("record.dat","r"); ft=fopen("temp.dat","w"); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)!=0) if (stricmp(date,!=0) fwrite(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,ft); fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove("record.dat"); rename("temp.dat","record.dat"); printf("\n\t\tRecord is delete"); gotoxy(25,25); returnfunc(); getch(); } void vieweevent() { system("cls"); int j=5; gotoxy(1,1); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd view events \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("Event date event name Details"); fp=fopen("record.dat","rb"); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)==1) { gotoxy(1,j); printf("%s",; gotoxy(18,j); printf("%s",stu.title); gotoxy(46,j); printf("%s",stu.z); j++; } fclose(fp); gotoxy(25,25); returnfunc(); getch(); } void editmember(void){ system("cls"); int s,print=37; gotoxy(15,3); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd Edit MEMBER info \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(10,5); printf("Enter the Member ID to edit:"); scanf("%d",&s); fp=fopen("record_nxt.txt","rb+"); while(fread(&stu,sizeof(stu),1,fp)==1) { if(stu.ID==s) { gotoxy(10,7); printf("The Member is available"); fflush(stdin); gotoxy(print,12);printf("Name: ");gets(; gotoxy(print,14);printf("Address: ");gets(stu.add); gotoxy(print,16);printf("Department name: ");gets(stu.dept); gotoxy(print,18);printf("Phone Number: ");scanf("%d",&stu.Phone_no); gotoxy(print,22);printf("The record is modified"); fseek(fp,-sizeof(stu), SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&stu,sizeof(stu), 1, fp); fm=1; break; } } if(fm!=1) { gotoxy(10,10); printf("No record is found in LIST"); if(getch()) mainmenu(); } fclose(fp); gotoxy(37,22); returnfunc(); getch(); } void returnfunc(void){{ gotoxy(25,25); printf("Press ENTER to return the main menu"); } if(getch()==13) mainmenu(); } int t(void){ time_t t; time(&t); printf("Date and time:%s\n",ctime(&t)); return 0 ; } void fordelay(int j) { int i,k; for(i=0;i<j;i++) k=i; } void password(void){ system("cls"); char pass[10],ch,password[10]="admin"; int i=0; gotoxy(5,2); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,3); printf("|====== CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ======|"); gotoxy(5,4); printf("\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("Enter the password:"); while(ch!=13) { ch=getch(); if(ch!=13 && ch!=8){ putch('*'); pass[i] = ch; i++; } } pass[i] = '\0'; if(strcmp(pass,password)==0){ gotoxy(5,8); printf("Password Matched!!"); gotoxy(5,9); printf("Loading "); for(i=0;i<=6;i++) { fordelay(100000000); printf("."); } system("cls"); mainmenu(); } else gotoxy(5,13); printf("Password is invalid!!\a"); printf("\tENTER correct password"); getch(); main(); }
Project Name : | club monitoring system |
Project Platform : | C/C++ |
Programming Language Used: | C++ Programming Language |
Developer Name : | |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Dev-C++/Codeblocks |
Project Type : | Desktop Application |
Database: | Stores data in .DAT file |
Upload Date and Time: | March 29, 2021- 1:07 am |
Downloadable Source Code
This club system in c++ is only a project made for school requirement purposes only. You can download this source code and modify it to suit your client requirements, since this is a student project it means you cannot really expect 100% functionality from this.
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