Bakery Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

This C++ project for a bakery management system keeps accurate records of customer orders and runs a bakery well.

This project is divided into two sections: bakery item ordering and admin panel. He/she can keep day-to-day ordering records with this system.

When the user clicks “Bakery Order,” the system shows a list of available bakery items and drinks. The user must then place an order with item quantity. Following that, he/she moves on to Order confirmation and Payment options.

This system can be paid for with cash or a credit card. When using a credit card, the user must enter the card number and the personal identification number (PIN).

About ProjectProject Details
Project Name :Bakery Management System Project in C++
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Codeblocks/Command Prompt
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:File handling
Bakery Management System Project in C++ Information

About Bakery Management System C++ Project

An administrator has complete control over the system. He or she can add bakery items delete or remove bakery goods, list immediate things, check the item counter, and use the backup system.

The user should enter the item’s name, quantity, serial number, and pin number for transaction (serial number without repeating) and price when adding bakery items.

For daily records, the system additionally displays the customer’s card number along with the transaction amount.

The Instant Order Preview option in the Admin Panel can easily preview all of the selecting bakery orders for the day.

What is Bakery Management System in C++?

The Bakery management system is a straightforward console program that may be secured using a user’s login credentials. To use this system, you must input the right password.

He can sell bread and accept card payments, display the list, or add a new brand of product. This system, which is only meant for educational purposes, has all the features needed to run a bakery business.

Features Available Bakery Management System C++

Features Available
Total Cash Today
View Card Pay
Add Bakery Item
Delete Item
Instant Item List
Item Counter
Backup System
Instant Order Preview
Main Menu
Bakery Management System in C++ Features

How to run the bakery management system in C++

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here are the steps for running the Bakery Management System Project in C++.

  • Step 1: Download G++ Compiler

    First, To download the g++ compiler just click the link here.
    Download MingW in Bakery Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

  • Step 2: Open CMD and Compile

    Next, Open the command prompt(CMD) in your project folder directory.
    open cmd in Bakery Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

  • Step 3: Compile Project

    Then, To compile, run the command to execute. – “g++ main.cpp“.
    compile project in Bakery Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

  • Step 3: Run Program

    After that, to run the program you need to execute the following command just type “a“.
    run project in Bakery Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

  • Step 4: Output of the System

    Finally, the image below is the output of the running program of Bakery management system in C++.
    output system in Bakery Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

Downloadable Source Code

If you want to improve your programming skills, especially in C/C++, check out this new article I’ve written. It includes a list of the best C projects with source code for beginners, all available for free download in 2022.

In Summary

The Bakery Management System is a simple console application that is protected by a user login information. To use the system, you must enter a correct password.

The user can add new bread goods, view available bread, and pay with a credit card. The system includes all of the necessary features for managing the bakery business.

The system is intended solely for educational purposes; however, you are free to alter it to meet your own needs. All of the data entered by the user is saved as a text file extension.

This system is so simple to use that it simply requires the use of basic CRUD functions to complete a transaction.

The Bakery Management System was created as a simple C++ code structure to assist beginners in learning new programming techniques. .

Thank you, and Happy CODING!


If you have questions or suggestions about the Bakery Management System Project in C++, please comment below.

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