typeerror: bufsize must be an integer [SOLVED]

If you’re a Python developer, you should have encountered the “bufsize must be an integer” error message. This error is usually common that will occur if you are trying to open a file using the open() function with an invalid buffer size. In this article, we will discuss what causes this error, how to fix it, and some tips to avoid it in the future.

Why do I get the “TypeError ‘bufsize’ must be an integer” error?

The “TypeError bufsize must be an integer” error occurs because you’re trying to open a file in Python with an invalid buffer size. If you use the open() function to open a file, you can define a buffer size as the second argument.

This buffer size defines the number of bytes which is to read from or written to the file at a time. If you provide a non-integer value as the buffer size, you will get the “TypeError: bufsize must be an integer” error.

Common Causes of the “TypeError: ‘bufsize’ must be an integer” Error

The most common cause of the “TypeError: ‘bufsize’ must be an integer” error is you are passing a non-integer value as the buffer size argument when opening the file.

For example, if you try to open a file with a buffer size of “xyz,” you will get this error. Other possible common causes of this error include the following:

  • You forget to provide a buffer size argument when opening a file.
  • You are using a variable that isn’t an integer as the buffer size argument.
  • You’re using a negative integer as the buffer size argument.

After we analyzed the causes of the error in the section we will provide the solutions to solve the error

How to Solve the TypeError: bufsize must be an ‘integer’?

To solve the “TypeError: bufsize must be an integer” error, you need to make sure that you are providing an integer value as the buffer size argument when opening a file. If you are using a variable as the buffer size argument, make sure that the variable is an integer. Here is an example that demonstrates how to solve this error:

# Incorrect code
file = open('file.txt', 'r', bufsize='1024')

# Correct code
file = open('file.txt', 'r', bufsize=1024)

In this example, the incorrect code which is the bufsize argument is passed as a string instead of an integer. In the correct code, the bufsize argument is passed as an integer, which is to solve the error.

Let’s take a look the another solution to solve the error:

Another Solution

Make sure that the Buffer Size Argument Is an Integer. The most common cause of this error is passing a non-integer value as the buffer size argument.

To solve this, make sure that the buffer size argument is an integer. You can do this through converting the buffer size argument to an integer using the ‘int()’ function.

For example it looks like this:

file = open('filename.txt', 'r', buffering=int(1024))
Note: Remember that while encountering errors is a normal part of programming, it is important to troubleshoot and solved them instantly to avoid any error in your code. With the tips outlined in this article, you can easily understand the specific error and you can continue coding in Python smoothly.

Also you might interested to read the python error which are we already solve.


What is a buffer size argument?

The buffer size argument specifies the number of bytes to be buffered at a time while reading or writing to a file.

Can I use a variable as the buffer size argument when opening a file?

Yes, you can use a variable as the buffer size argument when opening a file in Python, as long as the variable is an integer.


In conclusion, through following the tips outlined in this article, you can easily solved the Typeerror: bufsize Must Be an Integer error.

So next time you encounter the Typeerror: bufsize Must Be an Integer error, don’t panic. Take a deep breath, review your code, and try out the solutions discussed in this article. With some patience and persistence, you’ll be able to understand this error and you can continue coding successfully in Python.

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