14 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS
There are a lot of Python IDE or Python Code Editors offered online, but we have compiled here the best Python IDE to help you choose what’s best for your computer.
The best Python IDEs are listed and explained thoroughly to let you know in which OS they worked best. The listed IDE for Python was chosen by the Python programming experts.
This is to help beginners or newbies learn Python programming faster. In addition, aside from the listed Python IDE, you may also try our Python Compiler.
By using this compiler, you won’t need an IDE installed on your computer. This Python Compiler easily runs Python codes and does not need to be installed on your computer, it is free to use and accessible all the time.
But before anything else, let us discuss the word Python Identifier or IDE.
What is Python IDE?
An integrated development environment known as IDE is software used for building applications, having developer tools combined into a single user interface known as GUI.
In order to be the best environment for Python coding, an IDE should possess certain requirements such as saving and reloading source codes, executing codes efficiently, supporting debugging, code auto-format, and syntax highlighting.

List of Best Python IDE which can be used for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS 2025 for free
Here is the list of the best and free Python IDE and code editors examples that will guide you in your Python Programming Journey.
Each of them is discussed here to make sure that you understand the works of Python IDE.
1. PyCharm
PyCharm is one of the best IDEs for Python programming that supports various platforms such as Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Developed by JetBrains, it stands out in the midst of competition because it has productivity tools like quick fixes.
The said best IDE for Windows, Mac, and Linux has three available versions. These three are the Educational (Edu) version, the Apache-licensed Community version, and the proprietary Professional version.
The Educational and Apache-licensed versions of the best Python IDE are free and accessible while the professional version requires payment.
Aside from the mentioned versions of Pycharm, It also has an interesting community version because of its different features just as auto-completion, live code verification, and syntax highlighting.
More information about the Python IDE paid version, it has more advanced features including complete management of the database and a multitude of more important Frameworks than the community versions like Engine, Django, Google App, Flask, Pyramid, and web2py.
Active community support, execution edits and debugs Python code without any external requirements, and live code verification and syntax highlighting are the advantages of the discussed Python IDE but it is also slow in its loading time and its default setting may require adjustment before existing projects can be used.
2. Spyder
Spyder is another Python IDE example. It was formerly named Pydee created by Pierre Raybaut in year 2008.
Under Non-copyleft free software, it is a cross-platform released by its author to distribute and modify it with permission from its author. It was maintained by the Python scientific community.
This IDE is open-source created in Python and usable for Python. It was designed for Scientists, engineers, and data analysts.
The discussed IDE is best for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux because it has a unique combination of features.
These features are advanced editing, debugging, analysis, interactive execution, deep execution, and profiling functions of comprehensive development tools.
These also come with data exploration and a scientific package of creative visualization capabilities.
Aside from the mentioned features above which makes it the best Python IDE, it has also its basics just like other IDEs such as auto-completion, and syntax highlighting, and integrates scientific use libraries such as IPython, Matplotlib, Numpy, and Scipy.
The advantages of using this best Python IDE for Windows include the use of community support.
Rich in development tool features and more importantly, it has complete documentation but sometimes there are execution dependencies and optional dependencies.
Here is another best Python IDE and free to use for Windows and macOS.
Integrated Development and Learning Environment or IDLE was created by Guido Van Rossum in December 1998 for Python development.
Why is it best for Windows and Mac?
It is because this IDE is a class of applications that will help you write more efficient codes and the best environment to experiment with Python codes for free.
It answers the need for easy editing and saving of files via a standalone app.
IDLE provides useful features that professional IDEs have such as basic syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, and code completion. That is why this IDE is best for beginners in Python programming.
IDLE is able to execute a single statement, used to create, modify, and execute Python scripts. Offers features like smart indent and provides debugger with stepping & breakpoint features.
IDLE is not available by default in the Python IDE distribution for Linux. It needs a respective package manager for installation. But it can still be used in Linux when installed.
4. Visual Studio Code
Working with this VS code is simple, productive, and fun. Using the Microsoft Python extension makes the VS code an excellent Python IDE example and works best on Windows for free.
It could also be the best IDE with the help of varied Python interpreters.
Being one of the best Python IDEs, it is also an Electron-based framework to apply Node JS applications. This IDE is an open-source that can be used for developing Python programming.
Here is the reason why it is considered the best IDE it is provided with features that include unit testing, auto-complete and IntelliSense, lining, and debugging along with its ability to switch easily between Python domains involving conda and virtual environments.
Visual Studio Code works with Git and other SCM providers and enables developers to debug written codes.
It can also provide extensions for new languages, debuggers, and themes to acquire advantage of additional services which makes it best for all forms of platforms.
5. Kite
Here is another best and free-to-use IDE for Python that is able to autocomplete multiple lines of code in developing Python.
Kite is an open-source IDE and is ranked as a relevant and now the best version of the editor. It is because this Python editor is powered by AI to assist developers in writing Python and JavaScript codes.
This Python identifier example offers support for 13 languages for free which makes it best for developers who look for multi-task type of IDE.
Aside from being a multi-language type mentioned, this IDE for Python also offers features such as documentation, machine learning models, a tooltip on mouse hover, and a function signature of your type.
6. Sublime Text 3
Sublime Text is considered a Python IDE because of its own basic built-in support for the language.
This best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS is available for free and is a full-fledged programming environment.
Being the best IDE for Python programming, Sublime could support split editing where developers could edit two locations in one file at the same time.
Based on its performance, this Python editor could switch between projects in an instant with no save prompts because your modifications are restored the time it is opened again.
Just like other IDEs for Python, it has also supported features that are useful in writing Python codes.
These features include syntax highlighting, command Palette application in the form of text input from users, handles files, and display badges for folders and files to indicate status.
7. Wing
As a fine Python environment, Wing is designed to give you free and productive experience in Python development which makes it the best IDE.
Wing makes use of immediate feedback on written Python codes through interactive runtime and easily navigates code and documents. It is also helpful in finding debug data for easiness in fixing these bugs.
To avoid common errors and control possible problems, the presented IDE for Python provides assistance analysis. This assistance keeps the developers to have their written codes clean.
This Python IDE example boosts your interactive development in Python programming in terms of line-error detections and code quality analysis, auto-complete context and documentation, auto-editing, code folders, multi-selection, editable code snippets, and more.
8. Thonny
This is another best Python IDEs and was specially designed for beginners in Python programming. It is the best Python editor for those who seek for free Python IDE programming environment.
The features of this Python editor support easiness of use of variables, simple debugger, expression evaluation steps, representation of function calls, syntax error highlighting, scope explanation an references, code auto-completion, and clean PIP GUI.
Developed at the University of Tartu Python IDE for Windows, Linux and Mac is downloadable for free in Bitbucket.
9. Jupyter
Jupyter is a Python identifier example that has the tools essential to starting their project in Python. It is not just for Python IDE but also works as an educational tool for beginners.
This Python IDE supports open source and is developed for interactive computing in multiple languages.
Aside from being an open-source and free IDE, it has also a web-based development implementation for Jupyter notebooks, data, and code which makes this Python IDE the best.
The included features of this Python IDE range from supporting numerical simulation, data cleaning, machine learning, data visualization, and statistical modeling.
It has also a combination of codes, text, and images and is applicable for integrated data science libraries.
10. Atom
Another preferred by programmers as the best and free Python IDE is Atom. It is because they have analyzed that this Python identifier example is much simpler in terms of its interface.
A collaboration with this IDE for Python and Teletype makes Python programming easy to code alone. This makes the Atom a good choice to teach and share ideas between developers.
This IDE also works with Git and GitHub with the use of the GitHub package. This could be good for new exploration of developers.
The feature of this IDE for Python includes an integrated package manager for plugins, smart auto-completion, multiple panes and command pallet, and is best for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
11. Pydev
Pydev is an integrated development environment or IDE for Python designed to support Jython and IronPython.
This IDE uses advanced techniques to provide essential elements including code completion and analysis.
Originally created by Aleks Totic in July 2003, turned out that Fabio Zadrozny became the main developer of PyDev. Its extensions offer features such as code analyzing and remote debugging.
The presented IDE has received improvement through type and notable contribution to the code base when version 2.8 was released. Since the improvements, the Python identifier has gained more positive reviews.
The useful features of this IDE include code auto-completion and analyzing, debugging, Django, interactive and debug console, syntax-highlighting, Parser errors, and outline view. It also covers tabs or spaces, smart gestures, code-folding, and many more.
12. Eric
Developed in Python language, Eric is ideal for Python beginner programmers. It is designed to be useful for easy and quick editors and also for professional programmers.
The presented best Python IDE integrates a high and flexible Scintilla editor control. Its features include a plug-in system, which is downloadable from the net and could provide an extension for its functions.
13. Vim
Another helpful Python IDE for professionals is Vim because it is open-source and pre-installed in Mac OS and UNIX systems. In order for this IDE platform to work, it needs to be downloaded.
Vim is more advanced in terms of extendibility and shortcuts which made this IDE for Python adored by most programmers.
Though the advantages of this IDE could be a big help to developers, in order to acquire these advantages you must take time to learn it.
The tools in this Python identifier are customizable in which you can add plugins, debugging, refactoring, syntax-highlighting, and many more.
14. Active Python
Here is an increased Python IDE for beginners, it is best for developing data science that is secured and supports Python programming. ActivePython contains Python implementation and a set of various extensions to facilitate its installation.
This presented IDE for Python is free for community use but to have features for professional programming, it has its paid version.
The features included in this Python IDE cover the use of the OpenSSL patch for security. It also helps developers manage their data through SciPy, Pandas, NumPy, and MatPlotLib.
ActivePython also supports machine-learning models such as Keras, TensorFlow, and Theano. Considered one of the best IDE for Python by the Python programmer because it allows connection of big data and databases including MongoDB, MySQL, Hadoop, and Redis.
Aside from the given list, you can also check out our Python compiler if you want a hassle-free and easy-to-use Python code editor. Try our Python Compiler provided on this website.
You can use it instantly without any third-party requirements. It will directly run your code with the provided console. You can use it to write, edit, and run your Python Codes easily.
Knowing which is the best Python IDE for your computer is essential not only in learning it but also in understanding deeply what it is.
In order to know more about free Python IDE for beginners, you could also explore Python books and courses.
This will help you a lot, I can guarantee that.
Now that we discussed a list of the best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS for this year and we have also tackled some of the usage of each of them, we hope that you now have your choice of which of them would be your choice for your computer would you use.
These IDEs are listed to give you hints for the wise choices for building your projects.
In addition, we present to you a variety of Python identifier examples as a bonus.
You could compare each of the Python identifier examples for beginners to give yourself sort of choices. You may also use these best IDE for free in the future.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this list of Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, please leave a comment below.
Now, let me ask you. What Python identifier presented above interests you the most?
Have you chosen what’s the best Python IDE, will you use?
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I want to know the offline ones
Good post