attributeerror module typing has no attribute _specialform

In this article, we’ll discuss what causes this error message and how we can resolve attributeerror module typing has no attribute specialform.

This error occurs when you try to use the _specialform attribute from the typing module, but it is not found.

This error can be quite frustrating, especially if you are working on a large project.

Typing Module

The ‘typing‘ module is a built-in Python module that provides support for type hints.

Type hints are a way of indicating the expected type of a variable or function argument, making your code more readable and maintainable.

Additionally, the ‘typing’ module includes a number of classes and functions that allow you to specify types, such as ‘List’, ‘Tuple’, and ‘Union’.

_specialform attribute

The ‘_specialform‘ attribute is an internal attribute used by the ‘typing’ module.

It is used to represent certain special types, such as ‘Optional’ and ‘Union’.

These special types are used to specify that a variable or function argument can have multiple types, or that a variable or function argument is optional.

What is attributeerror module typing has no attribute _specialform?

AttributeError module ‘typing’ has no attribute ‘_specialform’ indicates that a module called “typing” does not have an attribute called “_specialform“.

In Python, modules are files that contain Python code and other definitions, such as variables, functions, and classes.

Wherein the typing module is a built-in module in Python that provides support for type hints.

In addition to this, an AttributeError occurs when an attribute or method that does not exist is accessed or called.

In this case, it means that the code is trying to access an attribute called “_specialform” in the “typing” module, but it does not exist.

This can happen if the code is written incorrectly, or if the version of Python being used does not support the attribute.

Let’s say you have the following code:

from typing import List

def example_function(my_list: List[int]) -> int:
    return sum(my_list)


Attributeerror module typing has no attribute _specialform

How to fix attributeerror module typing has no attribute _specialform

Here are the following solutions you can try to solve attributeerror module typing has no attribute _specialform error.

  1. Upgrade Python to a newer version

    If you’re using an outdated version of Python that does not support the ‘_specialform‘ attribute, upgrading to a newer version of Python may fix the error.

  2. Upgrade the ‘typing’ module

    If you’re using an outdated version of the ‘typing’ module that does not include the ‘_specialform‘ attribute, upgrading to a newer version of the ‘typing’ module may fix the error.

    You can upgrade the ‘typing’ module using pip, the Python package manager, by running the following command:

    pip install –upgrade typing

  3. Check for typos in your code

    If you have a typo in your code that references the ‘_specialform‘ attribute incorrectly, fixing the typo may fix the error.

    Make sure that you’re referencing the ‘_specialform‘ attribute correctly and that there are no typos in your code.


To conclude, AttributeError module typing has no attribute specialform error can be quite frustrating, but it is easily fixed.

In this article, we looked at what causes this error and how to fix it.

Remember to always check your code for typos and keep your Python and typing module versions up to date.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have Typeerror: nonetype object is not callable.

Thank you for reading 🙂

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