attributeerror: module ‘tabula’ has no attribute ‘read_pdf’

In this article, you will learn the step-by-step solutions on how to fix module ‘tabula’ has no attribute ‘read_pdf’.

What is module ‘tabula’ has no attribute ‘read_pdf’ means?

The error message “module ‘tabula’ has no attribute ‘read_pdf’” means that the Python module ‘tabula‘ does not have a function or attribute called ‘read_pdf‘.

In other words, the code is attempting to use the ‘read_pdf‘ function from the ‘tabula’ module, yet the module does not consist of a function.

This could happen if the function has been removed or renamed, or if there is a typo in the function name.

Also, you might read and visit the other resolve python error:

Why this attributeerror: module ‘tabula’ has no attribute read_pdf error occur?

The AttributeError: module ‘tabula’ has no attribute ‘read_pdf‘ error occurs because the “read_pdf” function does not found in the “tabula” module.

There are a few reasons why this error might occur.

  • The “tabula” module isn’t installed correctly or maybe the version is outdated.
  • The “read_pdf” method should be removed or renamed in the latest version of the “tabula” module. Check the module’s documentation to see if there have been any changes to the method’s name or functionality.
  • There may be a typo in your code, like misspelling the method name or using incorrect syntax.

How to solve the attributeerror: module tabula has no attribute read_pdf?

Here are some solutions that you can try to solve this error:

Solution 1: installed the “tabula-py” module correctly

Make sure you have installed the “tabula-py” module correctly. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install tabula-py

If you run the command it will download and install the tabula package in your system.

pip install tabula attributeerror module 'tabula' has no attribute 'read_pdf'

Solution 3: Import the “read_pdf” function

Import the “read_pdf” function directly from the “” module instead of just importing the “tabula” module. You can do this by adding the following line of code to your script:

from import read_pdf

Solution 4: Correct version of the “tabula-py” module

Make sure you are using the correct version of the “tabula-py” module. The “read_pdf” function was introduced in version 1.0.0.

So if you are using an older version, you may need to upgrade the module by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install --upgrade tabula-py


What is the Tabula module used for?

The Tabula module is used to extract data from PDF documents.

Can I use Tabula with Python 3?

Yes, Tabula is compatible with Python 3.

Can I use Tabula on a Mac or Linux system?

Yes, Tabula is compatible with Mac and Linux operating systems.

Can I extract data from encrypted PDF files using Tabula?

No, Tabula cannot extract data from encrypted PDF files.


To conclude, if you are encountering the “AttributeError: module ‘tabula’ has no attribute ‘read_pdf’” error can be frustrating, yet it is a common issue that can be easily resolved.

In this article, we’ve discussed the reasons behind the error and provided step-by-step instructions on how to solve it.

By following these steps, you should be able to continue working with PDF files using the Tabula module without any issues.

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