Attributeerror: module matplotlib has no attribute get_data_path

In this article, we are going to show you the solutions to this attributeerror: module ‘matplotlib’ has no attribute ‘get_data_path’error message.

This error: module ‘matplotlib’ has no attribute ‘get_data_path’have a simple solution, but if you’re new to this, it won’t be that simple for you. That’s why this article is, indeed, really for you.

Continue to explore how this article can help you troubleshoot the error in no time.

What is “attributeerror: module matplotlib has no attribute get_data_path”?

Theattributeerror: module ‘matplotlib’ has no attribute ‘get_data_path’” error message indicates that the version of matplotlib you are using doesn’t have this function.

It could be because of the outdated version of the library that you are using, or it might be because the function has been deprecated or removed in the version you are currently using.

The ‘get_data_path’ function is used to retrieve the path to the directory where the data files used by matplotlib are stored.

In addition to that, these data files include font files, color maps, style sheets, and other resources used by the library.

What are the root causes of this error?

Here are the common root causes of this error:

  • Outdated matplotlib version
  • Typo in the code
  • Installation issues

To avoid this error, you can use an alternative method to retrieve the data path or upgrade to a newer version of matplotlib that includes the ‘get_data_path’ function.

You can check the documentation of your matplotlib version to see if the ‘get_data_path’ function is available.

Solutions for “attributeerror: module matplotlib has no attribute get_data_path”

Time needed: 2 minutes

Here are the effective solutions you can use to easily fix themodule ‘matplotlib’ has no attribute ‘get_data_path’ error message.

  1. Check matplotlib version

    You can simply check your matplotlib version by running the following code:

    import matplotlib

    Aside from that you can check the version using your terminal or command prompt, using the following command:
    pip show matplotlib

  2. Upgrade Matplotib

    When you are using an outdated version of matplotlib, you can easily upgrade to its latest version using pip. You can use the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

    pip install --upgrade matplotlib

  3. Reinstall the Matplotib

    If the error still exists after updating it, then you can use the following commands to reinstall matplotlib.

    To uninstall:
    pip uninstall matplotlib

    To install:
    pip install matplotlib

  4. Use an alternative method to retrieve the data path

    When you can’t upgrade matplotlib, you can use an alternative method to retrieve the data path. You can use the following code:

    import matplotlib
    import os

    data_path = os.path.join(matplotlib.get_configdir(), 'mpl-data')


    Another code:

    import matplotlib as mpl

    data_path = mpl.get_configdir() + '/mpl-data'



  5. Check your code if there’s a typo.

    Double-check your code to ensure that you have spelled the attribute name correctly. Even a small typo can cause this error.

In this section, you’ll discover numerous solutions you may apply to your case to solve the error you are currently facing.

Additional solution:

If the above solutions do not resolve the error, you can use the following code:

import matplotlib as mpl

data_path = mpl.get_data_path()
except AttributeError:
print("The 'get_data_path' function is not available in this version of matplotlib.")
print("Using an alternative method to retrieve the data path...")
data_path = mpl.get_configdir() + '/mpl-data'

This code will show the path to the directory where the data files used by matplotlib are stored.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I still use matplotlib without the “get_data_path” attribute?

Yes, you can use matplotlib without this attribute. The “get_data_path” attribute is only used for a specific subset of plotting functions in matplotlib.

What other attributes are available in Matplotlib?

Matplotlib has many other attributes that you can use for data visualization. Some examples include “plt.plot”, “plt.scatter”, and “plt.hist”.

Related Articles for Python Errors


This article has already provided different solutions to fix the attributeerror: module matplotlib has no attribute get_data_path in Python using various examples.

We are hoping that this article provides you with a sufficient solution; if yes, we would love to hear some thoughts from you.

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this article. Just in case you have more questions or inquiries, feel free to comment, and you can also visit our website for additional information.

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