Attributeerror: ‘groupeddata’ object has no attribute ‘show’

Running into the error attributeerror: 'groupeddata' object has no attribute 'show'? We understand how frustrating it is to run into this kind of error.

So, in this article, we will assist you in solving this error by providing you with a solution. Apart from that, we will also provide you with a brief discussion about attribute errors and Python.

To start with, learn what this error is and why it occurs.

Why does the error “attributeerror: ‘groupeddata’ object has no attribute ‘show'” occur?

The error attributeerror: 'groupeddata' object has no attribute 'show' is a Python error. This error is usually encountered by programmers or developers who attempt to call the show() method on a groupeddata object.

This appears after doing that, due to the fact that the show() method is not defined for the groupeddata object.

The statement above just means that this error occurs because we are trying to call the show() method on a groupeddata object, which is incorrect.

AttributeError and Python

What is an attributeerror?

An attributeerror is an error that appears in our Python codes when we try to access an attribute of a non-existent object. In addition, this occurs when we attempt to perform non-supported operations.

What is Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is used for developing a wide range of applications.

In addition to that, Python is a high-level programming language that is usually used by developers nowadays due to its flexibility.

Let’s continue with our tutorial now that we have a better understanding of this error, an attribute error, and even Python.

How to solve “’groupeddata’ object has no attribute ‘show’” in Python

Time needed: 2 minutes

Here are some possible solutions to solve the error attributeerror: 'groupeddata' object has no attribute 'show' in Python.

  1. Apply the agg() method.

    Try to use or apply the agg() method to perform aggregation on the grouped DataFrame, and in the resulting DataFrame, that’s when you call the show() method.

    Here’s an example:

    grouped_df.agg({"Sample_Score": "avg"}).show()

  2. Get rid of the groupBy operation.

    As mentioned above, we cannot call the show() method on a groupeddata object. Instead, call it on an ungrouped DataFrame.

    So, in order for us to call the show() method on the ungrouped DataFrame, get rid of the groupBy operation.


    ungrouped_df = grouped_df.ungroup()

  3. Convert.

    If it is necessary for you to call the show() method on the grouped DataFrame, convert it first into an RDD, then call the take() method.


    grouped_rdd = grouped_df.rdd

Example Code

Here’s an example code that can cause the error to occur:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("GroupByExample").getOrCreate()

data = [("Mar", "Math", 91),
("Mar", "English", 90),
("Jer", "Math", 90),
("Jer", "English", 89),
("Vin", "Math", 92),
("Vin", "English", 90)]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["Name", "Subject", "Score"])
grouped_df = df.groupBy("Name")

To fix this error, try using the agg() method to perform aggregation on the grouped DataFrame, and in the resulting DataFrame, that’s when you call the show() method.

Example Solution:

agg_df = grouped_df.agg({"Score": "avg"})


In conclusion, the error “attributeerror: 'groupeddata' object has no attribute 'show'" in Python can be easily solved by calling the show() method on an ungrouped DataFrame instead of a grouped one.

By following the guide above, you’ll definitely fix this error in just a few minutes.

I think that’s all for this tutorial, ITSourceCoders! I hope you’ve learned a lot from this. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. And for more attributeerror tutorials, visit our website!

Thank you for reading!

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