How To Print Words Python With Examples

In this tutorial, you will learn how to print words python using the print() function. By using this function, it is really easy to print a word because this function can handle any words or numbers inside the parenthesis and display them all on terminal window.

If you want to explore more about this awesome topic in Python, read and understand every explanation below in order to understand this type of topic easily.

Also read: Building A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme in Python

What does print() do in Python?

In Python, the print() function allows you to read and print words to the standard output. This function helps you to solve minor issues with your code, and the print() statement can be used to print data, which you can see in the terminal window.

Examples of how to print words in Python:

forExample = “Hello, PIES” 


The above example is a simple way of how to print words in Python. As you can see in the above example, we declared a variable named ‘forExample’ and gave it a value of ‘Hello, PIES’. Using print(), we can easily see the value and print it on the terminal window.

Why print function is important?

In Python, the print() function is important because it is used to get the output and test the code if there is an error. This function is used to display the specified message or value in the console. The message could be a string or any other object.

In addition, the print() function sends a message to the screen or another standard output device, such as the PyCharm terminal window.

The message can be an object or word. Before writing the object to the screen, it will be turned into a string type in python code.

Python print string

In Python, Strings are surrounded by either single quotation marks or double quotation marks. “Hello” is the same as “hello“. You can display a string literal with the print() function.

Furthermore, a string is a list of Unicode characters in a certain order. Unicode was made to include all characters from all languages and make encoding more uniform.

For example:


Python print to file

Python not only prints words but can also print to open a file. The easiest way to open a file is to add ‘w‘.

Note: Be careful when opening it to write in this way because it can be possible to delete any information that was already in that file, so…

When the file is open, the optional file=parameter to print() sends the text lines into the file instead of writing them to standard output.

For example:

with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    print('Hello PIES', file=f)

Python Print Option sep=

In Python, a sep parameter is mostly used to format statements which are shown on the output screen. The default value of this parameter is white space. It puts a space between the strings that are going to be printed.

For example:

print(06, 26, -5, sep=':')



Python  Print Option end=

The end= parameter allows you to add a custom string to the end of the list. Most of the time, this is used to print a string that already ends with a “\n”. If that’s the case, printing the string data types ends up putting two spaces between each line.

For example:




How do you print multiple words in Python?

To print multiple words in Python program, we can also use the print(*objects) function. This is a built-in Python function that takes multiple *objects as arguments and prints each one with a space between them.

For example:

company = "PIES@22"
employee = "Glenn Magada Azuelo"

print("Company name is", company, "with employee name", employee)


Company name is PIES@22 with employee name Glenn Magada Azuelo

What is the difference between Print vs. Return?

The difference between print and return is that return is a function that sends back a value using a (return) statement. While print shows a user’s input string, they represent what is happening inside the processor of the computer.


I hope this tutorial has helped you learn a lot. Check out my previous and latest articles for more life-changing tutorials which could help you a lot.

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