Registration Page Using PHP Source Code

Today I will be sharing a Registration Page Using PHP Source Code hoping that this will help you to improve your web application project.

We all understand that there are several cases that we’d like to use a User Registration Page for our website that enables guests to register themselves and have access to the location.

But, some applied programmers might notice it troublesome to form an easy Registration page. With this project, we’ll conjointly use a Twitter Bootstrap Framework so that we can save time, as a result of it’s a chunk of code that is able to use, and using this framework will assist you to build your project and higher.

Steps to run the Registration Page Using PHP Source Code

  1. Download the full source code here.registration
  2. Extract the downloaded file and put it inside your root directory
  3. then open your desired browser and type this in your URL—-> http://localhost/registration/


If you have any suggestions or questions about this project, please feel free to contact me at our contact page. or You can send me a message in my Facebook account:

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