Complete Membership System with ID Generator using VB.Net

Complete Membership System with ID Generator using VB.Net

Complete Membership System with ID Generator using VB.Net is designed to cater information of members that are being registered depending on the organization.

Complete Membership System with ID Generator using VB.Net also provides ID generation and overall reports of registered members based on monthly and yearly reports basis.

Before downloading the source code, you have to get these software and install it on your Complete Membership System with ID Generator using VB.Net:

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 – IDE
  2. XAMPP – mySQL Database
  3. SAP Crystal Reports – Report generator
  4. EMGU CV – Webcam Capture

Here are the core features of the Complete Membership with ID Generator System:

Adding Form

  1. Stores member’s information.
  2. Stores member’s captured picture.
  3.  Prints the ID of the registered member.


  1. Total count of monthly or yearly registered members.
  2. Total sales earned monthly or yearly.
  3.  Issuance of permit indicating its information and association.

View, Update and Delete Form

  1. Lets you view the details of the registered members.
  2. Lets you update the details of the registered members.
  3. Lets you delete the details of the registered members.

Re-print Form

  1. Lets you re-print the ID if there’s a trouble or human typo error.
  2. Lets you re-print the issuance of permit.

Adding Important Details

  1. Lets you add an important category to be selected upon registering.
  2. Auto-generated information depending on the selected category.

Complete Membership System with ID Generator using VB.Net is good for creating system especially related to membership automation.

For questions or any other concerns or thesis/capstone creation with documentation, you can contact me through the following:

E-Mail: [email protected]


Contact No.: +639771069640

To download the source code, click here.

Ian Hero L. Lavapiez

BSIT Graduate

System Analyst and Developer

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