Valueerror: unsupported pickle protocol: 5

This Valueerror: unsupported pickle protocol: 5 error usually occurs if there is an attempt to unpickle an object that was serialized using a higher pickle protocol version than what is supported by the current Python environment.

In this article, we will explain this error in detail and provide example codes and solutions to help you solve it.

What does Valueerror: unsupported pickle protocol 5 means?

The error message “ValueError unsupported pickle protocol: 5” typically shows that you are attempting to load a pickle file that was created using a higher protocol version than what your current Python environment supports.

How to Fix the Valueerror unsupported pickle protocol: 5?

These are the following solutions to solve the Valueerror unsupported pickle protocol: 5.

Solution 1: Upgrading Python Version

One of the easiest solutions to fix the ValueError is to upgrade your Python version to a higher one that supports the pickle protocol that is used to serialize the object.

This is the command to upgrade Python using pip:

pip install --upgrade python

By upgrading your Python version, you can ensure compatibility with the pickle protocol version used in the serialized object, for resolving the error.

Solution 2: Downgrading Pickle Protocol

If upgrading Python is not working or you need to work with an older Python version, you can downgrade the pickle protocol version that used to serialize the object.

Here’s an example code to set the pickle protocol version to 4:

import pickle


By setting the pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL attribute to a lower version, you will enable compatibility with the serialized object and resolve the ValueError.

Solution 3: Manual Deserialization

In certain situations, you might need to manually deserialize the object to bypass the unsupported pickle protocol issue.

Here’s an example code that illustrates the manual deserialization:

import pickle

def deserialize_object(serialized_data):
        return pickle.loads(serialized_data)
    except ValueError as e:
        if str(e) == "unsupported pickle protocol: 5":
            return custom_deserialization(serialized_data)

def custom_deserialization(serialized_data):

By implementing a custom deserialization function, you can handle the unsupported protocol error and perform the necessary steps to deserialize the object successfully.


What causes the “ValueError: Unsupported Pickle Protocol: 5” error?

The “ValueError: Unsupported Pickle Protocol: 5” error occurs when the current Python environment doesn’t support the pickle protocol version used to serialize the object.

It is usually occurs when trying to unpickle an object that was serialized using a higher protocol version than what is supported.

Can I resolve the error by upgrading my Python version?

Yes, upgrading your Python version to a higher one that supports the pickle protocol used in the serialized object can help resolve the ValueError.

Just make sure that you upgrade Python using the proper installation method for your operating system.

What if I need to work with an older Python version?

If you need to work with an older Python version and cannot upgrade, manual deserialization will be the most alternative solution.


In conclusion, by following the example codes and solutions provided in this article, you can effectively resolve this error and continue your development tasks smoothly.

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