HTML5 Form Attributes – Beginners Guide for Web Developers – 011

HTML5 Form Attributes – Beginners Guide for Web Developers – 011

HTML5 Form Attributes – Beginners Guide for Web Developers.

This tutorial is connected from the previous HTML5 tutorial, the “HTML5 Form Input Type Part II“.

In this tutorial, you will learn the new form attributes of HTML5.

Placeholder Attribute.

We will tackle first about the placeholder attribute. The placeholder is a gray out text. The best part of placeholder is when you load your HTML5 content, it is not really your text in that text field, rather it is some sort of background or indication that your text field needs the appropriate text on that text field.

<input type="text" name="" placeholder="Enter your name" />

After inserting this line of code to your input tags, your expected output should be like this.

html5 form attributes
It is a presentation or indication of text where you can lead the user of your website to be specific in filling out his/her information.

Pattern and Required Attribute.

Next, we are going to add the pattern attribute. Pattern attribute is some sort of RegExp in JavaScript. So, basically you don’t need to use the RegExp JavaScript if you want to set a pattern to your text field. Here’s an example of an input tag with pattern attribute:

<input type="text" name="" placeholder="Enter your name" pattern="[a-zA-Z]*" />

Then, we are going to add another attribute which is the required attribute. Required attribute is a boolean attribute that lets your browser to know that the specific text field should be filled out, so if a user submits without filling out the required text field, your HTML5 website will prompt your user to fill out the required field.

Let’s add the required attribute and create an input submit type.

<input type="text" name="" placeholder="Enter your name" pattern="[a-zA-Z]*" required />
<input type="submit" name="" value="Submit" />

After inserting the line of code to your HTML5 content, try to run your system and click the submit button. Your expected output should be like this:

html5 form attributes
Required attribute is really important especially to let your user know that the required text field should be filled out. Also, try to type numbers on your the required text field and you’ll receive an error message like this:

html5 form attributes

These form attributes are very useful when you create a website where you need to prompt your user to fill out all the fields needed for his/her information.

On our next tutorial, we will be discussing about “How to Use Video in HTML5”. Stay tuned webbies!

For questions or any other concerns or thesis/capstone creation with documentation, you can contact me through the following:

E-Mail: [email protected]


Contact No.: +639771069640

Ian Hero L. Lavapiez

BSIT Graduate, soon to be MIT.

System Analyst and Developer

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